Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

WY results

Drew 19.
Now if someone could please email me GPS coordinates to 4-5 bulls over 350", I greatly appreciate it.
OOops, forgot that was the other forum.
Nada for me, but that was expected unless I pulled off a longshot in the random draw. Now to put in for NM will all options available!
Including our crew and our sponsors, we had seven people who applied for elk in Wyoming. All in the Special Draw. Prior year point reports showed we would have drawn five of those tags if the point totals stayed similar. As I well know, nothing stays similar in this tag drawing game.

I'm dancing around the room right now. The only two tags drawn were a party application. Uncle Larry (slightly less than max points) and Matthew (max points) drew. Matthew could have stepped up one level higher with his point total, but he wants to hunt with Uncle Larry, knowing Larry's age (72) and a decade of experimental chemo has made it likely that the opportunity to hunt elk in a high quality unit with Uncle Larry is probably not going to come around again. I am thankful he made that decision, as now I get to tag along with my son and a dearly loved Uncle.

More points for me, but I'm more excited for them and the chance to be part of this family elk hunt than any elk tag I could have drawn this year. Thanks to a couple Wyoming Hunt Talkers for putting up with my continual calls about terrain and elk movements in units that might give Larry a bit more chance than some of the other options we had considered.


Congrats to all who drew.
Including our crew and our sponsors, we had seven people who applied for elk in Wyoming. All in the Special Draw. Prior year point reports showed we would have drawn five of those tags if the point totals stayed similar. As I well know, nothing stays similar in this tag drawing game.

I'm dancing around the room right now. The only two tags drawn were a party application. Uncle Larry (slightly less than max points) and Matthew (max points) drew. Matthew could have stepped up one level higher with his point total, but he wants to hunt with Uncle Larry, knowing Larry's age (72) and a decade of experimental chemo has made it likely that the opportunity to hunt elk in a high quality unit with Uncle Larry is probably not going to come around again. I am thankful he made that decision, as now I get to tag along with my son and a dearly loved Uncle.

More points for me, but I'm more excited for them and the chance to be part of this family elk hunt than any elk tag I could have drawn this year. Thanks to a couple Wyoming Hunt Talkers for putting up with my continual calls about terrain and elk movements in units that might give Larry a bit more chance than some of the other options we had considered.


Congrats to all who drew.

Congrats! Looking forward to that episode!
I'm going on my first elk hunt! I applied for and drew a RP cow tag and will gladly harvest a nice fat cow if I can get me, the cow and the bullet in the right place at the right time. Access is an issue in this unit.

Now the planning really starts in earnest. No more putting off training, either.
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I have a refund coming :( maybe next year.

I was in the regular draw, didn't want to support and encourage the price increase (this year anyway I may feel different in the future).
My friend and I were successful with our 6 points in the regular draw. This will be my first elk hunt. While I'm extremely happy to have a tag the odds report showed we could have drawn a more desirable archery tag in the same unit in the regular draw. Oddly enough the same points wouldn't have been enough for the archery tag in the special draw!
No dice for me this year. I even applied for a reduced price tag that was almost a 100% draw last year.

I hope I can draw something here in MT. If not, OTC it will be!

Congrats to everyone who drew!
Party of 4, we are in. Got point crept out the last 2 years so this is nice to know we are going
Congrats Randy! Sounds like it’s going to be a great year for your family.

I drew my general tag so I’m just happy to be going back to Wyoming this Fall.
Wow. Not sure how it happened. Drew a party app with my 75 year old dad and his bother for 41-1. Random odds. But had to take a shot with his age. Hopefully can get him into some decent elk there! Have never hunted Wyoming for elk and know nothing of the unit. Congrats on the party draw with your uncle BigFin! It is who we are with that matters. Good luck all.
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My party of 3 drew cow tags in 59 !!! Hope to draw doe antelope this summer ... Our first hunt in the state of Wyoming !!!

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