WY Grizzly season proposal...

I actually think the number is low. With an estimated population of 750 and a threshold of 600 (100 above the recovery objective). I think that 50 would have been a better number. I think they decided to go with a more conservative number of 24.

Theoretically speaking

If half of the population is female = 375 bears

About half of them have young this year (187) with an average litter of 1.

If you say 50% of the young do not make it to winter.

Then you have 93 new bears in the population.

If you take 24 or 50 out of there, then theoretically it can be sustained.

It is theoretical, but I do think that 50 would be a better number.

Finally, dealing with some numbers. Thanks, Dude.

I don't necessarily agree. Sow grizz don't always reproduce, and when they do, it's not a yearly deal. Cubs stay for a couple of years and females only produce every 3 years, IIRC. You a generous number would be 1/3 of all females reproduce every 3 years, then add in cub mortality and other measures of death like roads, livestock depredation, etc you quickly go from 50 to possibly 10, which I think would be a much more defensible number across the state than 24, which seems unrealistic and set up for legal conflict.
They won't reach that quota if they only allow two hunters in the field at a time, like the proposal says.
To ensure no more than two female bears are killed, a maximum of two hunters at a time will be allowed afield within the monitoring area.

If I'm reading this correctly, there's no way that I would pay 6 grand and may not even be allowed to hunt except for when I'm told it's my turn.
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No need to wait for the lawyers and vehement animal rights activists. After the first season of a couple dead bears, tears and hate mail, folks will realize bears won't be wiped off the face of the earth by sportsman. The sooner this happens the better.
They won't reach that quota if they only allow two hunters in the field at a time, like the proposal says.

I think this is a very valid point and I agree. Starting the season in September and going into November, I don't see the quota ever being filled. Plus, there's the potential for not a single bear to be shot at all, or perhaps only 2, if the first 2 are females.

That said, I think maybe half that for the first year or two to see what happens would be more prudent. However, I also believe that after the State of Wyoming invested 50 million in grizzly management, I trust their judgement when it comes to setting quotas.

I trust, but verify, when they set quotas for elk, deer, black bears, turkeys, pronghorn, etc. etc. so I have no reason to think what they're doing has no merit when it comes to grizzly bear hunting either.
I think this is a very valid point and I agree. Starting the season in September and going into November, I don't see the quota ever being filled. Plus, there's the potential for not a single bear to be shot at all, or perhaps only 2, if the first 2 are females.

That said, I think maybe half that for the first year or two to see what happens would be more prudent. However, I also believe that after the State of Wyoming invested 50 million in grizzly management, I trust their judgement when it comes to setting quotas.

I trust, but verify, when they set quotas for elk, deer, black bears, turkeys, pronghorn, etc. etc. so I have no reason to think what they're doing has no merit when it comes to grizzly bear hunting either.

It seems like they're doing what they did with wolves - dual classification but through quota rather than statute (which is exactly what many folks were urging them to do with wolves). If 1/2 of that quota is outside the PCA, then what WGFD is effectively saying is they don't want bears outside of that space - which is their prerogative, but it invites legal challenges.

Still, I'd like to see the modeling they used to get to that number.
If I'm reading this correctly, there's no way that I would pay 6 grand and may not even be allowed to hunt except for when I'm told it's my turn.

I think you will told its your turn before you would have to pay $6,000.

If you draw and need a "guide"...I know a guy...

Can I come too? Promise I will wear old blue jeans, won’t walk on the the trail, will not help carry it out (or eat it), and my life insurance will be up to date.
What state are you going to griz hunt in?

Lee Emterprises finest has informed us that Montana will be the only state not to have a grizzly season. So I was curious, where will you be hunting griz at?
I was thinking New Mexico would be a good experience. Do they even hibernate there?
Hawaii would also be unique. Damn Montana, being the only state not having a hunt.

Such a small harvest on mostly males ain't going do anything to the population. Hope this hunt goes through because its a great opportunity to get more people out hunting but I do foresee several lawsuits.
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