Wy general elk tag archery hunt questions

2Pointer---Just remember that if you're by yourself that you will probably need a full day to get an elk and your camp out of the bush to your truck. Therefore, if you have three days for the actual hunt, you actually only have two days to get it done and the third day will be needed just to get the head/meat and your camp packed out to head for home.
Top gun, this has been on my mind a lot .... I think I'm just goin to try and get a week of scouting and hunt for 2 days and see where I'm at... I know in one way or another it's going to be worth it, elk or not.
So you're talking 7 days? I'd scout for 1 and hunt for 6. Do some map work to narrow down where you want to hunt, heck, you might as well scout while you can shoot something...
If I had 7 days to hunt I would scout for 5 and plan on hunting 2.. finding the elk is harder then killing an elk.
for me its easy,,id hunt 6 days and keep moving to new camp each day until i found the quarry
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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