WY deer hunt for family on 11 points each


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
NW Iowa
Probably a not so common "problem". Yes, I know I shouldn't have accrued so many points and gotten into what many call "no-man's land". Here's the deal, 4 of us have 11 points each for WY deer. Wife and one daughter want nothing to do with a high country excruciating deer hunt. They love prairie/sage type antelope hunting and would prefer a deer hunt in that type of less rugged terrain or slightly more difficult terrain. Nothing crazy. The other daughter and I will do whatever it takes to find a good buck worthy of our 11 points each. So, here's my thoughts, you can call me crazy if you like... Take the Mrs., and one daughter to easier terrain hunts over the next two years in the same unit that is worthy of 11 points but not wasting too many points like on a 3 point unit. Hopefully by the end of those hunts the other tougher daughter and I will know whether we should burn our points there also or move on and maybe just hunt Region G ?? The units I'm looking at for the first two hunts so far are 37,22,10. Any words of wisdom or suggestions? PMs welcome. Thanks guys!
I’m in nearly the same boat but just me and my son. I put in for another species tag in an area to “pre scout” a deer unit. High plains with sage. It’s not an 11 point deer unit but it will actually potential give me two deer hunts. One by myself and then I can apply under my son’s points. I’ll never catch up to the super premium areas so I figure this is next best way for me. Hope this made sense
I’m also in the 11 point club for Wyoming. I’d say the idea of picking a unit and going to learn it is a solid one with the possibility of going back by splitting points. I was in region g this past year with my gf. She drew it in the random draw. It’s really cool country but we had a hard time finding deer numbers are definitely super low.
G is not worth the points. It used to be, but the winter kill and it being a resident general tag has changed that. I absolutely wouldn’t waste any points to hunt there. You need to look at an area that is not a general resident tag.
This ^
And its a 5 day season to boot
If both of your daughters are wanting to hunt with you, don’t wait a couple years. Go now to a unit where they can compromise and have a good time hunting together as sisters, then go again wherever you can, as often as you can. Lucky to have such decisions to make!
oh ya, we do that often. Last year I did an elk hunt with both of them. It didn't turn out well, we learned the one daughters limitations and only scouted two days and hunted one day but we still had a memorable trip together. The good thing is daughter 1 will go along when daughter 2 has a tag. I've found that we have more fun and less pressure when we only have one tag to fill at a time. Definitely need to do this asap before they start having kids which could be any day now. We've done a lot of different trips together and I don't have many regrets but saving these points up is one. Hopefully it pays off.
I'd try another state. Wyoming deer hunting is total crap right now. I live here and I can't recommend an area worth 1 point, let alone 11.
If I could leave my WY points sit and use them in 5-8 years I might just do that Buzz buy WY has such a greedy system of making us buy more points every two years so many people like myself just buy them so that we don't lose our previous crappy investments.
Man, our deer population and quality here in central Wyoming needs a couple years to recover. I have been looking at the heards on the wintering grounds and not seeing much to get excited about. Most do look healthy though.
I’m not sure things will recover. We will see how my Wyoming points turn out for waiting.
My son and I have six points and will wait to see how the deer population goes. We'd both be happy with a whitetail hunt so will probably apply for a type 3 tag in the next few years.
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My personal theory is that we aren't getting any younger and wyoming keeps requiring us to buy points or loose them while raising tag prices and cutting tags. It's time for me to go enjoy a hunt and get out of their game. I also think all of us waiting for populations to come back is going to turn point-creep into point-sprint when or if the populations do start to come back better. Each person has to do what they feel is right for their personal lifestyle and family time.
My personal theory is that we aren't getting any younger and wyoming keeps requiring us to buy points or loose them while raising tag prices and cutting tags. It's time for me to go enjoy a hunt and get out of their game. I also think all of us waiting for populations to come back is going to turn point-creep into point-sprint when or if the populations do start to come back better. Each person has to do what they feel is right for their personal lifestyle and family time.
I think as long as your willing to accept the fact that the points aren't worth what they once were, you might as well go hunt while you can with your kids. Or, if nothing else have them put in and you just go along for the hunt and can always burn them later. Gives you more time to focus on their hunting.
Yep, that's what I usually do. The girls get tags in WY and SD and occasionally other states and I just go along. We don't have to burn all 11 points, if I find a good enough area that I like that is a 5 point unit I'm ok with that too, wasting a few points isn't a big deal. Lots of research ahead, I just have to stop fishing so much and sit down and get busy planning. Sure wish it was closer to go scouting more of the state. The girls are mid to late 20's now and although they still enjoy spending time with the old man it will be limited soon enough when they have kids of their own.
Yep, that's what I usually do. The girls get tags in WY and SD and occasionally other states and I just go along. We don't have to burn all 11 points, if I find a good enough area that I like that is a 5 point unit I'm ok with that too, wasting a few points isn't a big deal. Lots of research ahead, I just have to stop fishing so much and sit down and get busy planning. Sure wish it was closer to go scouting more of the state. The girls are mid to late 20's now and although they still enjoy spending time with the old man it will be limited soon enough when they have kids of their own.
Are they after a big buck? Backpack style? Hotel? Certain terrain? Might be good to put that out here for a few of the guys who are more familiar. If your not just trying to max out points for the size of a buck.
PM me if you decide on unit 10. I was in that area elk hunting in November. I’d be happy to share what I saw for deer.
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