Yeti GOBOX Collection

WY considering legislation to prosecute posting public land as private.

sorry didn't read the article yet.

but isn't posting land that you don't own already illegal?

either way, love it, and thanks for the hard work buzz.
I support this obviously, but the bill was greatly watered down by the amendment which gives the landowner a mulligan by requiring prior notice by an LEO that signage is improper. We as sportsman don't get that luxury. If you violate statute or regulation there is no "get out of jail free card". Seems like sportsman always are treated different than landowners. That's my observation anyways.
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Ol’ Sy and his boys are gonna be glad that their “land outfitted by” signs are one inch onto private, but made to look as including the adjacent public lands all across Wyoming.
Should be a federal offense to post or block access to public lands. That should be universal in every state.
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