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WY 2021 deer/antelope results

it's hard to understand the complaints about "managing the hunters in wyoming" from residents

must be a matter of perspective

when you come from a state like colorado, even the busy units in wyoming feel rather limited entry in comparison

y'all would shit bricks if you spent much time down here in our busy units
Am I correctly reading that Unit 63 antelope Doe/Fawn went from hundreds of tags in 2020 to 0 in 2021?
Yep. I had apps in for 63 and 48. Kept an eye on the meetings and what was published as far as tag reductions, plus got an email from Wyo g&f saying that I had apps in where no apps were available.
it's hard to understand the complaints about "managing the hunters in wyoming" from residents

must be a matter of perspective

when you come from a state like colorado, even the busy units in wyoming feel rather limited entry in comparison

y'all would shit bricks if you spent much time down here in our busy units
Hunter management is important everywhere, maybe Colorado should do a better job. Lots of idiots in the field, not to mention folks just getting into it who have little to no experience out West. With application numbers at all time highs, and access at all time lows, not to mention loss of habitat, population changes, etc., hunter management is critical.

Look at the population differences between WY and CO and you'll understand why our expectations are somewhat different than yours.

Maybe we will "complain" less with nonresident tag numbers going down. Wyoming is a gem and should be treated a such, and is definitely not Colorado.
Hunter management is important everywhere, maybe Colorado should do a better job. Lots of idiots in the field, not to mention folks just getting into it who have little to no experience out West. With application numbers at all time highs, and access at all time lows, not to mention loss of habitat, population changes, etc., hunter management is critical.

Look at the population differences between WY and CO and you'll understand why our expectations are somewhat different than yours.

Maybe we will "complain" less with nonresident tag numbers going down. Wyoming is a gem and should be treated a such, and is definitely not Colorado.

the funny thing is there will be just as many people in the field if nr numbers go down. changing the residency status of a tag holder in a state like wyoming doesn't change the amount of tag holders.

no one is saying hunter management isn't important. i would argue wyoming has some of the best hunter management in the west, if not the very best. but people will always find a reason to gripe, and surely kicking out NR's will solve all the crowding problems :rolleyes:
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Well, if anyone from out of state needs some in person intell on units in Wyoming not more than 4 hrs from Denver, let me know. It'll give me another reason to head north and go fishing, plus I just love looking at Pronghorn lol
Headed for unit 50, along the North Platte for goats. We'll probably wait until about 15 October - two college kids with a long weekend break from school.
Headed for unit 50, along the North Platte for goats. We'll probably wait until about 15 October - two college kids with a long weekend break from school.
I haven't spent much time in 50, 8 will definitely put it on the to do list. Any particular part of the Platte?
I went into the drawing without high hopes, so I applied for the hardest (and supposedly the best) tags for Antelope, Deer and Elk. I figured I had a snowball's chance, so I didn't even look until an hour and a half ago. Antelope=unsuccessful...Deer=unsuccessful and then ELK=Successful. Area 100 type 1. Almost had a heart attack! Red Desert Bull Elk for me this year.
Wow, good for you! That is my dream tag. Looking forward to hearing your story after the hunt!
the funny thing is there will be just as many people in the field if nr numbers go down. changing the residency status of a tag holder in a state like wyoming doesn't change the amount of tag holders.

no one is saying hunter management isn't important. i would argue wyoming has some of the best hunter management in the west, if not the very best. but people will always find a reason to gripe, and surely kicking out NR's will solve all the crowding problems :rolleyes:
"Kicking out" the non-residents by meeting the standard set by every other state in the West I guess... But at least we will be "complaining" about each other.

With less non-resident tags allotted there will be just as many tags, but likely in the hands of fewer people. Not many residents are sitting on the sidelines waiting to hunt because they can't get tags here, so I don't see many more starting to buy tags just because the non-residents get cut. The same people will just buy more tags, heck we may go back to having leftovers.

Cutting non-resident tags means more tags for us, better chance at drawing the best units and likely less people afield. Now that is some great hunter management! ;)

The real solution to crowding is more access. Another spot WY shines with the HMA's and Walk-in's.
It’ll be all good until this non-resident demand levels off and then subsides.

Many residents will then complain when resident tag prices get hiked up to make up the difference.

Hope I am around to see it.
When in the world do you see the non-resident demand going down?? Have you seen the number of point holders? Especially if the tags they're chasing get cut by 10%... And I know I'd surely pay more for an elk tag than I am now.

Hope you live a long time.
With less non-resident tags allotted there will be just as many tags, but likely in the hands of fewer people. Not many residents are sitting on the sidelines waiting to hunt because they can't get tags here, so I don't see many more starting to buy tags just because the non-residents get cut. The same people will just buy more tags, heck we may go back to having leftovers.

Cutting non-resident tags means more tags for us, better chance at drawing the best units and likely less people afield. Now that is some great hunter management! ;)

No that is not great hunter management in my opinion.

Seems like consolidating opportunities into fewer peoples hands to me.

Hopefully you aren’t representative of the average resident hunter. If so I believe the future of hunting is bleak indeed.
When in the world do you see the non-resident demand going down?? Have you seen the number of point holders? Especially if the tags they're chasing get cut by 10%... And I know I'd surely pay more for an elk tag than I am now.

Hope you live a long time.
Things change. Sometimes rather quickly.

I personally think that the notion that this current trend will continue is foolish.

Guess we will see.
No that is not great hunter management in my opinion.

Seems like consolidating opportunities into fewer peoples hands to me.

Hopefully you aren’t representative of the average resident hunter. If so I believe the future of hunting is bleak indeed.
Did you not see the winky face?

If you're upset with Wyoming meeting the same non-resident caps as every other state, tell me how you feel about South Dakota.
I'd also like to hear an honest person say they want higher hunter densities than already exist. Do I want to end hunting for all non-residents? No. Do I want a better quality hunt? Yes. Do I want less money for management? No. Do I want everyone to have more opportunity and a better quality hunt by participating in conservation and advocating for more access? Yes.

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