WY 2021 deer/antelope results

The third member of our elk group put in for a couple antelope doe tags for camp meat but whiffed on both.
Unit 16 goat was OTC not many years ago. Last year 76 percent of applicants drew with zero points, this year 5 percent with many people using points on it
I 'm tagging along with friends for they're cow elk in 110 so we figured we would apply to 46-6.... knowing we had no chance.... didn't we draw it :oops: should add some fun to the trip if we can get on simpson ridge hma a day.
I went into the drawing without high hopes, so I applied for the hardest (and supposedly the best) tags for Antelope, Deer and Elk. I figured I had a snowball's chance, so I didn't even look until an hour and a half ago. Antelope=unsuccessful...Deer=unsuccessful and then ELK=Successful. Area 100 type 1. Almost had a heart attack! Red Desert Bull Elk for me this year.
Zeros on both antelope doe tags for our party. A friend finally could apply this year and his four points barely landed him an antelope tag near Casper. With another buddy having a cow elk tag and a couple antelope doe tags I will be making the drive to be a sherpa and do some spotting. We may even have a chance to set up on a prairie dog town if our luck holds and we can tag out early.
Maybe. I know 31 went from a few hundred down to zero. Sad, but necessary
I hunted pronghorn does in 31 the last 2 years, live and work very closeby. The late April snow storm whacked them HARD after what would have been a decent winter for them. Scary how few fawns there are running around compared to this time last year. I'm debating even going out for my doe tag this year (unit 32)
I hunted pronghorn does in 31 the last 2 years, live and work very closeby. The late April snow storm whacked them HARD after what would have been a decent winter for them. Scary how few fawns there are running around compared to this time last year. I'm debating even going out for my doe tag this year (unit 32)
That's unfortunate, such a cool area. Fingers crossed for a few years of good weather
The data says a couple things that I find curious. Basically, for nonresidents, if you don't apply for a first choice tag in the regular deer and antelope draws, you won't be getting a tag. Almost no second choice, almost no leftovers.
That will force people to use their points to hunt, some will, some won't, some will pay for special.
Special is heading that way. Very few second choice hunts.
I see an end of point banking and still getting a tag starting this year with regular, and next year for special.
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