WY 2021 deer/antelope results

Wyoming's wildlife should be valued more than current prices indicate. There are places where the North American Model is in danger, Wyoming doesn't appear to be one of them.

If an additional $50-75 dollars per doe tag is an impediment to someone making a trip to Wyoming, so be it. When you consider fuel costs or airfare, a $100 Type-6 tag shouldn't be an issue.

$600 either sex tags don't bother me either. Assuming most people want to hunt a unit with decent access, they're looking at 3+ points with the current NR allocation. It's not difficult to budget and stash $600 while building those points. Anyone who says otherwise should reassess how important pronghorn or NR hunting is to them.
Wyoming's wildlife should be valued more than current prices indicate. There are places where the North American Model is in danger, Wyoming doesn't appear to be one of them.
Yes.....sort of. WY also has the second most auction tags in the US. Beaten out only by corrupt all the way up to the govorner’s office Utah & SFW. That doesn't exactly fit the NAMWC profile. Lol
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I moved to WY in July of last year. Due to WYGF residency regarding, I’m still a non-res for all the applications this year, even though I now own a house in the state. I understand why it is this way, just still sucks a bit having to hunt in the same county as where I live as a non-res for two seasons. I had a point each for pronghorn and deer that I’ll be forfeiting anyways, so I threw in. I have very low expectations of drawing anything. At least I can buy some general tags OTC this fall. Might be chasing small game and birds more this year is all. Still, the waiting game for draw results is tough!
I think you and wllm1313 are correct, after considering it a while. Raising doe tag prices won't lessen demand.

I still support raising the price of an antelope doe tag, though, simply because I think they're worth more than what Wyoming is getting. I wouldn't advocate for hundreds of dollars per doe, just a solid increase from where they are now.
I agree, a pronghorn doe tag should be not less than $50 plus application fee...and probably more like $75 each. They're worth more alive to me than the $27R/$37NR that the State values them at.

I also agree that they should remain affordable. But, a $50-$75 tag is not cost prohibitive to anyone that can mow their neighbors lawn a couple times a year to come with the extra $$$.
I agree, a pronghorn doe tag should be not less than $50 plus application fee...and probably more like $75 each. They're worth more alive to me than the $27R/$37NR that the State values them at.

I also agree that they should remain affordable. But, a $50-$75 tag is not cost prohibitive to anyone that can mow their neighbors lawn a couple times a year to come with the extra $$$.
Agreed, I feel like most license prices should be tied to CPI. I think that would mitigate a lot of the problems we have had.
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I agree, a pronghorn doe tag should be not less than $50 plus application fee...and probably more like $75 each. They're worth more alive to me than the $27R/$37NR that the State values them at.

I also agree that they should remain affordable. But, a $50-$75 tag is not cost prohibitive to anyone that can mow their neighbors lawn a couple times a year to come with the extra $$$.
They're worth more alive to me as well. I've had 6 tags in the last 3 years and haven't set foot in WY during hunting season. I know some of you will hate me for that.
They're worth more alive to me as well. I've had 6 tags in the last 3 years and haven't set foot in WY during hunting season. I know some of you will hate me for that.
Oh man, my wife would ring my neck. She and my daughters love antelope, it’s their favorite game meat. She has even considered starting to hunt after I only drew one antelope tag last year.

I agree with the other points though, they are to cheap, even $10 more would go a long way for the department and applications likely wouldn’t even dip.
Oh man, my wife would ring my neck. She and my daughters love antelope, it’s their favorite game meat. She has even considered starting to hunt after I only drew one antelope tag last year.

I agree with the other points though, they are to cheap, even $10 more would go a long way for the department and applications likely wouldn’t even dip.
Mine polished off the first meal I cooked from ny 2019 buck and said "Okay. You can go west every year if you bring one of these back." I bought her first antelope point for WY that week.
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