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WY 2021 deer/antelope results

If demand stays exactly where it is or even declines slightly there will still be point creep.

Right now there are 4000 people applying for 40 tags in lots of units. Even if that number is 1000 you still will see the same trend.
We are talking about two different metrics I think.

I have no illusions that point creep is going to slow.

I am using actual app numbers as the metric to gauge demand YoY.

This is also why I personally think PP systems are asinine. Once the ball starts rolling on a point system it will take some major screwing over of point holders to rectify it.
You can hunt it with me! And I'm not a guide. Just have to make nice with folks in WY you can hunt with if your keen on it. I think it's buffalo chip for the most part, but seeing as how the grizzly bear numbers and encounters are going up and hunting does pose a significant risk for a negative encounter, its not a bad idea to be back in some of those places with someone who is used to being in bear country if you aren't. I guess maybe they look at it as reducing liability? Course the hikers are on their own, but they don't carry around bags of meat and let off gunshots
Maybe I can pick up some cheap used swarovskis and see what they're all about! haha
They are scary good. On a guided hunt in New Mexico I could count points with guides binos and with my 899 nikons I could only maybe see a blob in the first crack of light. 5 min later I could see with mine just fine.
Sorry, but Census data paints a different picture.

Over the last decade, Wyoming has grown:
-Slower than the nat'l average
-Slower than every state it shares a border with
-Slower than all but six other states.

And a growth of 2ish percent isn't much when you're starting with half a million people.

And I actually support most of the 90/10 stuff pretty thoroughly, but I think it's necessitated on principle, not because the resident hunter population of Wyoming is growing.
You don’t have census data fresh enough to paint a picture of what’s happening out west. Take a drive through Cody, Bozeman, Jackson Hole or Boise and you’ll get a feel for what’s coming. Doesn’t take much to impact resident hunting demand in low population states. An increase of 50,000 new hunters in Montana, Idaho or Wyoming completely changes the game. The post-COVID breakdown of urban work opportunities coupled work-from-home trend is changing the whole population structure of the country
You don’t have census data fresh enough to paint a picture of what’s happening out west. Take a drive through Cody, Bozeman, Jackson Hole or Boise and you’ll get a feel for what’s coming. Doesn’t take much to impact resident hunting demand in low population states. An increase of 50,000 new hunters in Montana, Idaho or Wyoming completely changes the game. The post-COVID breakdown of urban work opportunities coupled work-from-home trend is changing the whole population structure of the country
Yeah, @madtom pointed out the same thing, and I do have to concede that post-COVID does change the game a bit.
We are talking about two different metrics I think.

I have no illusions that point creep is going to slow.

I am using actual app numbers as the metric to gauge demand YoY.

This is also why I personally think PP systems are asinine. Once the ball starts rolling on a point system it will take some major screwing over of point holders to rectify it.
I guess if the question is will buck tags in 25/26/113/23 etc be available as leftovers for NR again…. 🤷‍♂️
You can hunt it with me! And I'm not a guide. Just have to make nice with folks in WY you can hunt with if your keen on it. I think it's buffalo chip for the most part, but seeing as how the grizzly bear numbers and encounters are going up and hunting does pose a significant risk for a negative encounter, its not a bad idea to be back in some of those places with someone who is used to being in bear country if you aren't. I guess maybe they look at it as reducing liability? Course the hikers are on their own, but they don't carry around bags of meat and let off gunshots
We were eyeballing a cow elk hunt outside Sheridan, for my daughter to apply for, in the Bighorns, but there's a large wilderness area in the unit we were looking at. Know anyone near there?
Sorry, but Census data paints a different picture.

Over the last decade, Wyoming has grown:
-Slower than the nat'l average
-Slower than every state it shares a border with
-Slower than all but six other states.

And a growth of 2ish percent isn't much when you're starting with half a million people.

And I actually support most of the 90/10 stuff pretty thoroughly, but I think it's necessitated on principle, not because the resident hunter population of Wyoming is growing.
Surrounding states are overcrowded, expensive, and suck. Heavy growth is coming to WY, just watch.
We were eyeballing a cow elk hunt outside Sheridan, for my daughter to apply for, in the Bighorns, but there's a large wilderness area in the unit we were looking at. Know anyone near there?
I know the wilderness area you're talking about and I do know a guy near Gillette. Depending on when/where you're going, there's a chance they won't be in the wilderness area anyway. I'll be in the Bighorns with my llamas for the next few months if I have anything to say about it, my bull tag is in 36 and I should be in there the second week of September tentatively. Maybe message me your plans and I'll see if I can be of some help
Surrounding states are overcrowded, expensive, and suck. Heavy growth is coming to WY, just watch.
WY makes up ~.17% of the total US population.

Even if the only people who move there were the most conservative 1% of Californian’s republicans, the state population would explode.

Not saying that’s the only group that would want to move to WY, more just how few people it takes to cause a massive change.
WY makes up ~.17% of the total US population.

Even if the only people who move there were the most conservative 1% of Californian’s republicans, the state population would explode.

Not saying that’s the only group that would want to move to WY, more just how few people it takes to cause a massive change.

there are plenty of factors that keep WY population lower than most places lol…. Most people don’t want to freeze to death or get blown away 12 months out of the year! I’ve been working on the Wife to move there the past 5 years! ID is the state out of control with people from CA moving in! Lol 😂
I meant the opportunity with a less than desirable tag, like shelling out hundreds for a low-quality cow hunt in a unit with low populations or very limited public access year after year. Gives people a reason to be excited, spend money and get outdoors I guess
I can't see myself getting excited about that unless money wasn't a factor, but even a slim chance is better than no chance.
You don’t have census data fresh enough to paint a picture of what’s happening out west. Take a drive through Cody, Bozeman, Jackson Hole or Boise and you’ll get a feel for what’s coming. Doesn’t take much to impact resident hunting demand in low population states. An increase of 50,000 new hunters in Montana, Idaho or Wyoming completely changes the game. The post-COVID breakdown of urban work opportunities coupled work-from-home trend is changing the whole population structure of the country
Then the legislature in say Wyoming would need to increase the percentage of tags that go to residents at the expense of non-residents. Since the NRs pay the bills that may not happen. Could be that most of those 50,000 aren't there to hunt.
All this makes talk makes me glad to be in a State where the population is shrinking, economics be damned.

My Parish’s population is shrinking at a rate well above even the State average.

I should be concerned. The State’s politicians and media sure are up in arms. They can’t figure out why. Well, education system stinks, economy
stinks, summers are brutal, mosquitos the size of blackbirds, etc.

Yet I am over here like “ bye Felicia”. Or “don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya”
there are plenty of factors that keep WY population lower than most places lol…. Most people don’t want to freeze to death or get blown away 12 months out of the year! I’ve been working on the Wife to move there the past 5 years! ID is the state out of control with people from CA moving in! Lol 😂
Absolutely, my point is more just it doesn't take that many people to blow up the state.

If 1 in 1,000 American's decided to move to WY, WY would be in a world of trouble.
there are plenty of factors that keep WY population lower than most places lol…. Most people don’t want to freeze to death or get blown away 12 months out of the year! I’ve been working on the Wife to move there the past 5 years! ID is the state out of control with people from CA moving in! Lol 😂

Most people don't go outside except to take a quick selfie next to the parking lot. Weather will have nothing to do with it.

My plan is to buy the shittiest trailer on a patch of dirt in the most out of the way town I can find. Bill is in the running currently.
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