Active member
I am selling a Browning Hell's Canyon Speed 6.5 PRC. This rifle is brand new in box only having been removed to be inventoried/confirmed by the FFLs. Everybody always wants to know the story; so, here it is. I had a Hell's Canyon Speed in 300 Win Mag I had offered up for trade and then sale. A member offered this as trade fodder. I thought, "why not? A new one will be easier to sell than a fired one". I have no desire to add another caliber/cartridge/chambering to my "arsenal". Therefore, this is for sale. Anyway, I need $1017.38 shipped and insured. The buyer of the rifle will have first shot at the seven boxes of Hornady 6.5 PRC ELD-M ammo I have (one box was traded to me and has three rounds which have been fired). Those 7 boxes will be sold for $420 plus shipping. I will not sell the ammo to anybody other than the purchaser of the rifle unless and until he decides he does not want them.