Wounded Bull....

great news to read , saw this post right before i left for work this morning, i happy things went as good as you could have hoped for , congrats your bull, enjoy those steaks
So glad you found him congrats on the bull too looks dang nice! I was in the same situation last fall just the opposite outcome. Hit a bull high in the shoulder at 24 yards (bull fever at its best) got 4 inches of penetration. Felt absolutely sick, spent the next 8 hrs following tracks very little blood first 100yds than none. Spent 6 hours the next day doing a grid and saw him chasing some cows around over a mile away like nothing happened so made sleeping a little easier. Still fall asleep dreaming about him. Again congrats on finding and all the hard work.
Way to stay true to putting forth the effort to find that bull. Nice looking critter!
Hope you shed a tear for me. Nothing wrong with that. Good recovery, but have to admit this is why I don't bow hunt. I don't rely on myself unless rifle hunting.
I love happy endings congratulations on a great bull. I've been on that emotional roll coaster myself it's not fun but you know what they say alls well that ends well. Couple questions what broadhead and draw weight did you use? Also did the arrow hit a rib or other bone.
Thanks, guys! It was a very long night... I'm glad we found. I shoot 70 pounds, 29 inch draw, Montec G5. The shot didn't hit bone so I'm not sure what happened and why it wasn't a pass through unless the scapula did break it off when he took off. Anyways, I'm glad it turned out to be a good shot and he didn't go very far. I'm really glad I made the decision to let him sit overnight, even though it was a painful 8 hours, rather than trudge through the thorn brush after him - sometimes I make good decisions and that was one of them.

The steaks tasted great! It was great to have a few friends who dropped their Friday hunting plans to help me look and pack, and they were ready to help look all weekend if we didn't find him on Friday! I'm blessed!
Sounds like you hit a shoulder blade maybe. Congrats, nice bull!!!!!