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Is 232 a bunch? Are you advocating that the EU reauthorize adding “tankage”(I think that’s the correct term) to cattle feed, and putting BSE infected cattle back in the food supply? If the 232 number is low. Why not? Did you see any videos of those people? I still remember seeing a video of teenage girl infected with BSE at the time. I can’t say that I want those cattle in my food supply.But is 232 really a bunch? Over 40,000 die in car crashes in the US every year. Probably shouldn't drive not safe.
Would CWD stop at 232? Hopefully. Researchers have suggested a period in excess of ten years from exposure to symptom onset in humans. So how many people will already have before people decide the risk is definitely non-zero? Not sure. Millions of people are millions of cattle before 232 died. Will the numbers be that favorable for deer? Hopefully even more favorable. But we don’t eat deer the way we eat cattle. Most people(not all) don’t eat an entire cow. They buy a few packages of beef, they eat those, and then they buy some more beef that came from an entirely different cow. When people in Europe eat beef that is mostly from healthy cattle and contained a few meals from an infected cow was their risk lower than someone who ate an entire infected cow? Probably. How does that stack up to deer? It seems like eating an entire deer would increase the risk compared to eating a few meals from an infected deer and then eating healthy deer. All that said, the risk from eating CWD infected deer may be far lower than eating infected cattle. I don’t know.
Does anything that kills fewer people than driving suddenly become a risk we should ignore? Well no. That’s a ludicrous suggestion that ignores an awful lot of variables, as well as the payoff of taking the risk. Driving offers me a LOT of benefits. So does eating a deer. That 40,000 number totally ignores all of the risks that contributed to those risks and assumes that any time I get in my car I’m at the same risk as anyone else at any other time. But the fact is that driving drunk increases my risk. Driving in adverse weather conditions. How I choose to drive. Texting and driving. Young drivers are at higher risk because they haven’t learned how to drive safely, but we expose them to that risk knowing that they’ll get better, and they’ll need to drive for their entire lives. Older people are at higher risk, and we take their driver’s licenses away. We also have laws against driving drunk, texting and driving, and speeding. Sometimes we choose to leave early because a storm may come through that we shouldn’t drive through. Sometimes we wait the storm out. Sometimes we drive through rain or snow, but we do so at reduced speed, and increased care. Is it being a Karen to modify your driving technique when road conditions change? Or not to drive after drinking? Is it being a bunch of Karen’s to want our police to enforce traffic laws? Eating deer benefits me. Eating a deer that tested positive for CWD carries a seemingly low, but unknown risk, which I just don’t feel any need to take. I can eat the deer in my freezer than didn’t test positive. If I get the result in time and feel the need for replacement deer meat, I can shoot some does. I don’t see the payoff to eating a deer that tested positive.
I don’t know much for certain, but comparing 232 deaths from BSE to 40,000 automobile deaths that include drunks and reckless drivers just doesn’t seem like a reasonable comparison. Also, if one of those 232 people had been my child, and he would never have become sick if the europe had just stopped feeding sick cattle to other cattle and stopped allowing sick cattle into the food supply, I would be very angry.