Worst thing to happen to your rifle while hunting

Worse thing? Man.. I can think of a couple. I fell while hunting with my dad as a kid and broke the stock on my shotgun. Literally in the exact spot he had just told me to watch my step in while side stepping off a steep rocky ridge.
The other... I still have what was a fine deer rifle somewhere in the river due to a flipped canoe and a newbie paddler.
On my first try to draw a Wyoming sheep tag in 1984 yes I got it. The thing that makes it more incredible is that I had spent 90 days in the hospital from February to May from back surgery's X3. Well what does this have to do to my rifle? Well after hunting for 19 days and the last 3 in rain and snow I finally got a chance at a great ram. I take the shot and the ram disappears off a cliff. The rocks are slick and I fall down a slide and when I get to the bottom me and the scope are missing hide both scope caps are tore off. It was an old stile 4x weaver scope. Now I do not know id I have a ram or a gun that can hit the inside of the barn from the inside. I find my ram and all is good.
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