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Worst/Most Unsafe TV Hunting "Reality" Star?

I agree with you on that note but this clip kind of looks like it was all just for the camera and she has not been around this kind of activity very much.

What he meant to say was... "Unfortunately I agree with Jose but ate him so much I have to word this right".... ;)

I agree that Palin/Obama would be a CHitty card to vote on. But as bad as she "hunts", I wouldn't vote for Obama.
im no Palin fan, but this is being misinterpreted. I watched the whole episode and she wasnt that bad on the trip. The old guy who owned the gun was her dad, and he seemed like a decent man. After missing all the shots she bet her dad 5 bucks that his scope was off, and she won after some shots at a pie plate.

Did you wonder where Sarah's gun was while you watched the whole episode? How do you "interpret" that she didn't have a gun, didn't know how to work the bolt, didn't know how to carry it? I will ignore the missed volley of 6 shots and still think the rest of the episode shows that she is NOT a hunter, has never been hunting, and doesn't have a clue about hunting.

If you saw the whole show then you saw her "learn" something when her dad learned how to quarter a caribou and pack it. She was amazed that somebody would invent quartering a dead animal. Something brand new to her and her dad....

You are so full of shit I can't believe it....

Always cracks me up with wannabes who somehow have insight..... LMAO
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So, are you guys saying I shouldn't invite her as a guest hunters for Season Four of OYOA? ;)
I think you all are just to used to OYOA quality video, and expect the same from everyone else.;)

Silver lining is that the video shows that at least she isn't against hunting and God help us, but that may become important someday.
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With her gun handling skills, would you feel safe anywhere near her?

Maybe we would invite her for an archery hunt. :confused:

I will be in AK twice in the next twelve months, so she wouldn't have to travel far.

And, her daughter dated my cousin who lived in Juneau, so I should have an "in." Well, considering what kind of behavior my cousin "Wayner" usually exemplifies, I probably ought to keep that relationship a secret.
Big Fin... It sounds like you REALLY have thought about having her on your show. I think you should call her up and ask.

If you are short anyone for the AK episodes, let me know. With or without the Hottie Palin ;)
I don't care what your politics are, stuff like that is crazy. They should have taken her out and taught her 20 minutes of gun safety before calling her a "hunter".

I don't think I've ever agreed with Jose. Until now. Who cares what her politics are on something like this? It makes hunting look even worse to the mindless rabble. A 20 minute reminder whether the cameras were on or off would've been a great idea.

Those guys must have good eyes to know she was shooting high. Laughable on many levels.

Maybe the people on the other side of the skylined 'bou were yelling for them to stop?

So, are you guys saying I shouldn't invite her as a guest hunters for Season Four of OYOA? ;)
At Moosie's request: Make sure you call her your best friend and that you only get to hunt with her once a year. Also, take extra ammo.

WTH? Didn't she supposedly shoot a moose before? Or did she only say she killed one? Maybe she tied it up and starved it.
After whomever stated Reba looks hotter than Carrie Underwood... Palin is HOT!

I am a fan of Palin in the sense - she brings a "family / American pride" emphasis to politics... There is a "reality" about her... whereas, Michelle Obama - eh, "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country." LOSER! OR her wonderful husband, our President...

I do not think Palin would be a good president... though if it was Obama or Palin... Least Palin would start at the bottom. At least she is proud of her country and knows what respect is for our country. Right there, that props her up from the bottom we are at...

Oh ya - the show... An experience it seems she needs to learn from. Learn how to be a better hunter / bearer of firearms... or learn respect and pride for our country... I put my money on Palin.
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I think shes trying to paint an image. It didn't work for me. I think she's really a city girl, not a rough and tough Alaskan as she like to say. I think she's an alright person, just a bit above average. Definitely not presidential.

It will be a sad day if Obama & Palin are the choices in 2012.

Truer words have never been posted by you.
That picture was taken during "hail to the chief" Sytes. Not defending Obama, just point it out.
Yeah that was pretty pathetic.I might agree with the party she stands for but I would not ever want to see her in office or in the woods.
That picture was taken during "hail to the chief" Sytes. Not defending Obama, just point it out.

There are a lot of ignorant in-breds who don't have a clue what "Hail to the Chief" is and show their ignorance when they somehow think the President should have his hand over his heart during that song.

Do you think Sytes is one of those ignorant in-breds who would be that stupid?
There are a lot of ignorant in-breds who don't have a clue what "Hail to the Chief" is and show their ignorance when they somehow think the President should have his hand over his heart during that song.

Do you think Sytes is one of those ignorant in-breds who would be that stupid?

The least you can do is get the song right, it was the "National Anthem" not "Hail to the Chief" - nobody covers their heart when they play the song introducing the president. You bunch of "Ignorant in-breds" :D
The least you can do is get the song right, it was the "National Anthem" not "Hail to the Chief" - nobody covers their heart when they play the song introducing the president. You bunch of "Ignorant in-breds" :D

I am guessing West Virginia is full of a bunch of in-breds? Since you can't hear the background music in the photo (I am guessing you have Dueling-Banjos from Deliverance forever ringing in your WV ears) I will go by the other photos of Obama that have been during Hail To The Chief that in-breds forward around on email and the internet claiming Obama wasn't born in the US.

You might try Snopes...... since I can't hear the background music in the photo.


Still not sure why Sytes is putting pictures of Obama in a thread about unsafe gun handling by TV Reality Personalities.
I am guessing West Virginia is full of a bunch of in-breds? Since you can't hear the background music in the photo (I am guessing you have Dueling-Banjos from Deliverance forever ringing in your WV ears) I will go by the other photos of Obama that have been during Hail To The Chief that in-breds forward around on email and the internet claiming Obama wasn't born in the US.

You might try Snopes...... since I can't hear the background music in the photo.


Still not sure why Sytes is putting pictures of Obama in a thread about unsafe gun handling by TV Reality Personalities.

All I am saying is that the music from the photo that was posted was not hail to the chief, it was the National Anthem. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/anthem.asp I don't always put my hand over my heart when it's played either. Sometimes I just stand at attention with my hands behind my back. I am not questioning if what he did in that photo was patriotic or not. All I am saying is that the music was not Hail to the Chief, the president wasn't even there for that photo. I am sure the ratio of inbreds in Idaho is 1much higher than WV and Deliverance took place in GA.........Dumbass