Yeti GOBOX Collection

Worst Hunting Hand Me Down


Well-known member
May 16, 2020
I was reading the post “Secrets to Hunting For Sale,” and had a thought. What is the worst performing hand me down hunting gear you’ve ever received?

My parents gave me the gift of my Dad’s old two sizes too small military issue Mukluks…. Now I feel for those Vets! I don’t know if I’ve ever been so cold and wet!

2nd place goes to “The Rev’s,” my best friend’s dad’s, loaner 303 British with rigged peep sights.
Dad gave me a bunch of #2 victor double coil traps.

I have added chain, plates, swivels and have welded so much on these traps that I could have went out and bought MB550's and still saved money.
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The surplus down bag dad got me. You could drive a freight train through the cold spots,if you did not use it inside the canvas snap cover. Then you were toasty to 28 deg.
Inchon must have been bad....
Low bidder won the contract hank...
A Remington Nylon 66. Absolute POS.
There were a couple of pairs of so-called "polypropylene" long johns that were useless and stinky.

Ditto on the “plastic” long Johns, though my mom did me a favor and put them in the dryer on high, rendered them into a blue mass that tore pulling apart. Also my dads old cabelas wading boots, slickest sob soles I’ve ever seen, guaranteed to bust your ass on anything other than blacktop; plus my brother gifted me my first archery “range finder” pre- laser era edition. The kind that you moved the knob to “bracket” the animal and then look to see the yardage on the dial. Was guaranteed to be within +|- 10yds, provided you were about 10yds away and the deer stood there for 15 minutes! Thanks Bro!
Once upon a time, my cousin gave me an old baker tree climber. I can't believe how dumb younger me was... I used to get pretty high in that death trap with no safety harness.
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I inherited my dad's old side by side 12 gauge. He bought it brand new back in the 30s so it was getting old. The front trigger was getting a bit worn so it was now a hair trigger and the safety switch would sometimes stick halfway to the on position so you would think you had put the safety on but it was still off. That seemed like a bad combination so it became a wall hanger.
The worst by far was the checkered orange hat with ear flaps my father gave me. The same type of hat that was used by that Ohio serial killer. The guy who was trying to make a woman out of other women's parts.
Gee, thanks dad, I'll cherish it always.
Side tracking to fishing, my dad was too cheap to ever get us a decent outboard for the fishing boat. You might get that old POS Johnson Sea Horse started and get out there, but it was a cinch you were probably going to row back in.
I inherited my dad's old side by side 12 gauge. He bought it brand new back in the 30s so it was getting old. The front trigger was getting a bit worn so it was now a hair trigger and the safety switch would sometimes stick halfway to the on position so you would think you had put the safety on but it was still off. That seemed like a bad combination so it became a wall hanger.

A good smith can fix that and get the gun back in the field.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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