How about this scenario: SFW goes to AK and starts up a state chapter. They get residents on board and signed up by waving the predator control flag and vowing to make the state do something about wolves and bears. There is no mention of taking tags away from residents (or non-residents). See, you have to add lots of butter before you start divulging your real plan. While this is all going on, behind the scenes you begin to fundamentally change the way guide areas are assigned and tags are allocated. Before the unsuspecting residents (and non-residents) know it, the premium tag areas like Tok and Chugach sheep are made into exclusive hunting concessions for the big outfitters. These outfitters are given a guaranteed number of tags for their clients out of the general license pool. And guess how these outfitters market their hunts? Well, how about through this consulting agency that helped them get the whole system set up? Seems like a good trade. So now the outfitters are guaranteed the non-resident quota of tags. What do you think will happen to the price of that limited area Dall hunt now? Available to the highest bidder. Sorry if you can't afford it. Hopefully you got your chance before SFW showed up, but if not, just buy the magazine and look at the pretty pictures. Oh yeah, don't forget to send in your $25 membership fee. We're fighting for predator control! You know those predators are the biggest threat to our hunting! And while we're at it, we're going to skim a few of the premium resident tags off the top to auction to the highest bidder. Gotta fund that habitat enhancement and wolf control! You high rollers that can afford the auction tags can go ahead and book with the outfitter that has exclusive rights in the area.
Let me see no problem with this scenario? Just a guy who cares about wildlife trying to make a living doing what he loves.
Let me see no problem with this scenario? Just a guy who cares about wildlife trying to make a living doing what he loves.