Caribou Gear

Working up a load for 'lopes

If you have never gotten better than that for accuracy, it may be the rifle. There were lots of bad M77 Rugers made-some shoot, some don't.

Also, shoot the loads at 200 yards. You may be surprised by the difference. I don't know what it is (me or the bullet/rifle combo), but I can sometimes shoot better at the extended range.

4831 was a hit for a load that I developed for a friend. It was under 120-grain speers out of a Savage.
My 25-06 likes Hornady American Whitetail factory ammo. I have not beat the accuracy I get with this ammo with any of my handloads. Nickel size groups at 100 yards.

I agree with this. If you like to reload then great otherwise my 25-06 A-blot loves the "Hornaday 117 gr. BTSP INTERLOCK".

good luck to all
the dog
PM received

About the weapon: I bought it from a guy so that said it was his dad's hunting rifle. No idea on the round count, but the bore looks nice with sharp rifling. As for it's best performance concerning groups, that's a big ?

After talking to my stepdad who is a custom gunmaker he informed me that Ruger's tolerances for a gun leaving the factory was 3" at 100yds.:(

He's a well respected custom gunmaker, so I don't think he'd be lying to me. Also, the factory trigger is indeed crap, but the fact that I'm shooting in an indoor range where the benches are somewhat effected by the guy next to you is a possible factor. I'm not ruling that out just yet. Should be able to load some 110gr Accubonds with IMR4350 in .5 grain increments tomorrow.

I'm sure the factory stuff I have is fine, I just like tinkering...
I wouldn't waste any more time or money on handloads. Give it a good scrub, check screws and scope and bedding with blue box cartridges. Once you have a soid platform and baseline, then work up some loads.