
Wondering about access to blm land?


Aug 3, 2013
Staten Island, NY
Hi all, was recently in the buffalo Wyoming area doing some scouting for some future hunting opportunities. While traveling on county roads I came across numerous signs off the two track roads stating no public access. Was I right not to proceed , as it blocks off much access to blm and state land. Also,
I noticed an issue between crazy women and schoonover exits that states deeded access only/no public access. I was there on a guided in 2011 and and it was our regular travel route. Was wondering what's up with that ?
You will find a lot of public land that is landlocked by private land. You can't think of hunting some areas without a GPS with a chip.
If your former rout is private maybe your guide had permission to use it
Crazy woman is private, some posted signs I saw the other week on posts along the road trying to make it look as if other roads were closed but they aren't. A lot of blm land is accessible but by walking in from other roads. Johnson county website has a map of the public roads. Good luck.

I was told by the BLM biologist that the signs are put up to give the animals a break from all of the road hunters. I respect that and don't drive on those roads. Others ignore them.
Hunted that unit this fall. Plenty of opportunity if you get out and hike. I spoke to someone while out there that said that the posted roads were roads for oil/gas companies, but giving the game a break makes sense as well. Access was definitely challenging and would not recommend it unless you have a solid game plan, a good GPS chip, and a willingness to either pay trespass fees or hike.
We filled our buck tags the first day and doe tags the second and third. Did not see a lot of antelope but we did find a few with a good bit of walking. There was also a lot of people, too many actually. The day before season I drove around the unit in a big circle on public roads that came to be 133 miles... about 10 total miles was through public land. Definitely want a chip for the GPS and good boots, that said I probably will not go back there.


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