Kenetrek Boots

Women in the outdoors

I went to bed before the toss so I missed the reason for it. Lots of dumb questions, something about living in California and the "worst" thing to me seemed like an insult to @Hunting Wife that I posted on. Maybe someone else can fill us in.
Not insulted. I just like messing with the drive-by jerks. And the Russians.
Ontario hunter mentioned they are seeing as many or more young women in hunters safety classes as young men. I’m an instructor in NE Oregon and would offer we are seeing the same trends. While I have retired from guiding that same trend, increasing numbers of women, was evident as well. When I started guiding 20 some years ago the ladies were rare. The last couple of years woman were about 30% of the fishers we had out in Bristol Bay, about 25% of my upland hunters, and about 10% of deer and elk.
Im disappointed we seem to have lost most of the ladies originally on this topic.
My last two Hunter’s Ed classes have been maybe 25% female, but most of those are adults. Not a ton of younger girls - maybe only 1 or 2 per class. We have another one next week. I haven’t seen the roster yet but I’m guessing it will be similar.

I’ve actually been surprised that we’ve had a lot more adults in general the last two years- like almost half the class. Not sure what is driving that.
My last two Hunter’s Ed classes have been maybe 25% female, but most of those are adults. Not a ton of younger girls - maybe only 1 or 2 per class. We have another one next week. I haven’t seen the roster yet but I’m guessing it will be similar.

I’ve actually been surprised that we’ve had a lot more adults in general the last two years- like almost half the class. Not sure what is driving that.
Do you suppose it is due to people having more interest in their food source and how to obtain said food?

BTW, glad you are back to posting, have always liked your perspective on stuff.
Do you suppose it is due to people having more interest in their food source and how to obtain said food?

BTW, glad you are back to posting, have always liked your perspective on stuff.
Maybe? Some of the adult men have expressed such. Some of them are oil field transplants that just didn’t grow up around it. Some of them are taking it with their kids. Some of the women just want to know more but I’m not sure they’ll hunt. Some of them want to be able to go with significant others. Seems like a mix lately.

And thank you.
We've had quite a few girls in our classes as well. Even enough to fill a women's class.
I haven't seen that many adults though, maybe 2 or 3 at each class and usually its a parent taking it with their kid.
I suggest a read my wife has called Wildly Different. If you are a woman in the outdoors the book is place to gain some new inspiration or even a man for that matter you could say I found it wildly interesting.
Mina Hubbard is highlighted in the book and what she was doing in the 1900s was truly historic and unheard of.

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