PEAX Equipment

Wolves Have Been Released

I'm no wolf expert and I highly doubt a wolf would ever charge human. However, if a pack of wolves were circling me, I'm damn well going to have my rifle loaded and cocked, just in case I see the sharp end.
Not saying this doesn't happen. A biologist in the North Cascades of Washington was reportedly treed by pack for several hours a few years ago. Eventually a helicopter was sent to her. I doubt you and I have access to helicopter rescue. Self defense is a natural right.

Here in Idaho, I would be the talk of the town if I shot a wolf in self defense. I'm thinking in Colorado you would end up wishing someone had sent a helicopter after the lawyers and press got done with you.

Don't take me wrong. I left California in 1992. As soon as I could get things in order after Prop 117 passed. I have been through exactly what Coloradans are going through. I wish I could give you some hope politically, but I don't see much.
Not saying this doesn't happen. A biologist in the North Cascades of Washington was reportedly treed by pack for several hours a few years ago. Eventually a helicopter was sent to her. I doubt you and I have access to helicopter rescue. Self defense is a natural right.

Here in Idaho, I would be the talk of the town if I shot a wolf in self defense. I'm thinking in Colorado you would end up wishing someone had sent a helicopter after the lawyers and press got done with you.

Don't take me wrong. I left California in 1992. As soon as I could get things in order after Prop 117 passed. I have been through exactly what Coloradans are going through. I wish I could give you some hope politically, but I don't see much.
I just looked up 117 and don't blame you.
I’m tired of worrying about getting mauled by a grizzly or not finding a spec of wildlife in 20 miles of wilderness that used to hold a “butt-ton” of elk and deer. Sad to hear about these types of initiatives being implemented by ballot biology.

I saw this post on FB today. Haven’t validated it but thought it was interesting:
I’m tired of worrying about getting mauled by a grizzly or not finding a spec of wildlife in 20 miles of wilderness that used to hold a “butt-ton” of elk and deer. Sad to hear about these types of initiatives being implemented by ballot biology.

I saw this post on FB today. Haven’t validated it but thought it was interesting:
View attachment 307824
I’d consider it somewhat factual. It doesn’t mention at all how bad the 96-97 winter was that absolutely crushed elk numbers, cow tags that were still issued for a few more years, declining habitat, and growing bear and lion pops in the area. I’m not sure what the source is for the wolf numbers in the area and I think that 2016 elk number is low. Wolves have absolutely had an impact in the northern half of Idaho but they aren’t the only issue
I’m tired of worrying about getting mauled by a grizzly or not finding a spec of wildlife in 20 miles of wilderness that used to hold a “butt-ton” of elk and deer. Sad to hear about these types of initiatives being implemented by ballot biology.

I saw this post on FB today. Haven’t validated it but thought it was interesting:
View attachment 307824
I’d consider it somewhat factual. It doesn’t mention at all how bad the 96-97 winter was that absolutely crushed elk numbers, cow tags that were still issued for a few more years, declining habitat, and growing bear and lion pops in the area. I’m not sure what the source is for the wolf numbers in the area and I think that 2016 elk number is low. Wolves have absolutely had an impact in the northern half of Idaho but they aren’t the only issue
Hard to take this FB seriously if they don't know the difference between "herd" and "heard".
I’d consider it somewhat factual. It doesn’t mention at all how bad the 96-97 winter was that absolutely crushed elk numbers, cow tags that were still issued for a few more years, declining habitat, and growing bear and lion pops in the area. I’m not sure what the source is for the wolf numbers in the area and I think that 2016 elk number is low. Wolves have absolutely had an impact in the northern half of Idaho but they aren’t the only issue

Those are the statewide wolf #s.
it would be ironic if later on colorado sues oregon for giving them wolfs when they start cryin that they have no deer and elk left to sell non res tags too killing there revenue income..just wait 10 years and see.

Wyoming should promote Kurt's HT presentation of a dead wolf...

Good on Oregon, get rid of a few Oregon wolves who've already savored Oregon cattle. CPW must have really been under the gun to accept... Then again, it's inevitable.
Shut your location off on your phones before you shoot just saying. I have no experience with wolves so I don't know how bad they can be but if CPW bio are anything like ares when it comes to the black bears in Florida there's going to be a lot of problems
News this morning declaring the love for wolves back in the Valle Caldera Preserve.
The mexican wolf was supposed to be kept south of US40.
Dozens have been seen north of the hwy the last few years.

I guess I should look up NMG&F's currant plan and involvement now. Pretty sure it's all hands off.
If you're serious about wolf protection, get a sleeve of tennis balls and start hucking them when the pack circles you.

They just want to play fetch.

The only thing that makes wolf management hard is people. I hope Colorado learns from the mistakes & successes that other states have had.

Colorado doesn't "learn" anything, we scamper along behind California, eating their scraps and nipping at their heels...

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