
Wolves Have Been Released

I guess I missed the issue this year. I kinda thought things were less impactful.

I saw one smallish wolf track this year total. Came across more wolverines.

Oh, and as far as the Colorado talk at the local watering hole goes, There will be talk of whole schools being attacked by wolves, and tape worms left all over the tetherball poles so when kids go to lick the pole they get worms.

And be on the lookout for a hero of a wolf slayer from the midwest. He'll be driving a minivan.
I'm not really sure what you're getting at.

The guy was saying because of the very successful three-day Wisconsin season that hunting keeps wolf populations in check.

I was saying out west sport hunting doesn't really have a huge impact on population reduction.

Comparing Wisconsin wolf hunting, where they have roads basically in a grid every mile when you can box them in and turn 20 dogs loose isn't the same as hunting with 100s of square miles of inaccessible land.
I'm not really sure what you're getting at.

The guy was saying because of the very successful three-day Wisconsin season that hunting keeps wolf populations in check.

I was saying out west sport hunting doesn't really have a huge impact on population reduction.

Comparing Wisconsin wolf hunting, where they have roads basically in a grid every mile when you can box them in and turn 20 dogs loose isn't the same as hunting with 100s of square miles of inaccessible land.
I had a buddy, a Nam Vet BDQ, (RIP) who was on that hunt on his property of 150 acres. From what I can remember the anti-hunting/trapping crowd was appalled by the numbers slain that weekend! Scary how much pull they have !
There has been a migrant pack in Jackson Co. to the north which has been doing some documented damage. It would not take much for a loner to travel south into Grand Co. "at some point in time"!
Think they are counting on it to avoid inbreeding
According to the graphics in this paper moose numbers peaked in 1988 and began declining seven years before wolves were even introduced in Yellowstone, a solid decade before packs were established in the valley.
But yeah, it's gotta be the woofs.
According "to the graphics in this paper" the mathematical mean is roughly 900-1,000 between 1985 and 1996.

I have always asserted "woofs" are not the sole culprit, no matter how you may desire to misreprsent my statement.

What I shared is the fact bears and cougars have been present throughout as predators. Wolves were introduced in 1995.


Various studies present an issue with birthing linked to malnutrition that is further linked to climate change and predators (as I shared). A significant reduction as the wolf population increased while adding to the bears and cougars.

There is a visible farce when people proclaim "woofs" do not increase the mortality rate of ungulates when added to the list of predators.

From "this paper":
"This decline is due to a variety of factors, including habitat deterioration, recolonization of wolves and grizzly bears, warming temperatures due to climate change, disease and parasites,and vehicle collision mortalities"
I had a buddy, a Nam Vet BDQ, (RIP) who was on that hunt on his property of 150 acres. From what I can remember the anti-hunting/trapping crowd was appalled by the numbers slain that weekend! Scary how much pull they have !
Yea, I was mainly talking about Montana, sorry to misquote you.
I had a buddy, a Nam Vet BDQ, (RIP) who was on that hunt on his property of 150 acres. From what I can remember the anti-hunting/trapping crowd was appalled by the numbers slain that weekend! Scary how much pull they have !
It is definitely an effective means of take there.

Scary for sure on pull of antis.
The guy was saying because of the very successful three-day Wisconsin season that hunting keeps wolf populations in check.

I was saying out west sport hunting doesn't really have a huge impact on population reduction.
And I agree with you that is why I said the mountain west is different than WI. Was simply pointing out that in some cases hunting/trapping can be effective. Obviously not all.

And I didn't loon but I would assume thay wolves per square mile is more dense in WI than the mountain west too.
I had a buddy, a Nam Vet BDQ, (RIP) who was on that hunt on his property of 150 acres. From what I can remember the anti-hunting/trapping crowd was appalled by the numbers slain that weekend! Scary how much pull they have !
Not to derail this thread any farther. But WI DNR did itself and the hunting/trapping community any favors with thay lastly planned hunt either.

Hunters/trappers killed like 80% over the quota because as @IdahoNick pointed out, itwas pretty easy with dogs to find and kill the wolves. Also they allowed 24hrs after the quota was hit before closing the season. Gave the anti group plenty of ammunition not a good look for us Wisconsinite's
I hope you do and I hope it’s when you can shoot.

My elk area has plenty of wolves, although the number of tracks I see each season seems to vary greatly.

View attachment 307389In all the years we have had them I have had exactly one chance to shoot a wolf. I do put in a bit of time each season hunting elk.
I hope Dink sees one and is legally able to kill it. Odds are slim though. I have seen them four times. Once when there was no season. Twice on private land which I may have gained access to but called the wrong guy. And one that caught a 200 grain Accubond. mtmuley
Oh, similarities amongst critters- CO voters passed the reintroduction of woofs by a slim margin like Boebert’s constituency elected her. Now comes the opportunity to spin this as actions of radicals where the State is under siege, everyone is at risk who owns animals or goes into the woods. Thing is, woofs will still be there after her term comes to an end. When woofs fail to create this chaos and bloodshed, there will be no reckoning for this ignorant fear mongering. Big ol nothingburger. And you can put that in your pen and vape it.

Personally I'm fine with the voters deciding. Agreed they don't have to interact with them if they don't want to, but it's not my place to decide who vote on an issue like this, ya know?

Like I don't go to school or interact with the school, but if I have the chance to vote on school expansion I will. Just cause I won't use it doesn't mean I don't get a say
What do you think of childless renters voting on school levies?
A lot of guys on bar stools in Idaho that have killed and buried hundreds of 'em.
You know their rigs in the parking lot by the "Smoke a pack a day" sticker on the back window.
Cheap tags, unlimited amount of them, year round season and the ability to get paid by a 3rd party group and yet they say just shoot them and bury them…🤦‍♂️
Agreed, I just think it is a bad precedent to have this done through a ballot initiative. It may be a headache for ranchers and perhaps locally there will be some reductions in elk herds. Given what some herds are already up against- winter range development, year round recreation, vehicle collisions, new trail development, I wonder if wolves could be the straw that breaks the camels back (thinking Vail valley/Roaring Fork valley here mostly)?

Unfortunately, I have come to see the wolf as a sign of controversy and bad actors. They're such a cool animal and the fact that they have become a political football is pretty brutal.

Needless to say, it'll be interesting to see how this shakes out of Colorado.
Its not a precedent. The precedent was Prop 117 in California in 1990. Hunters will do the same in Colorado as they did then. They will either live with it or leave the state. Then they will moan about the good ol' days ever after. They will never reverse it.
Oh, and as far as the Colorado talk at the local watering hole goes, There will be talk of whole schools being attacked by wolves,
Those barstool biologists will definitely need to get blueprints from the folks down in Hank’s neck of the woods that built the wolf protection huts at school bus stops:

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No comment, other than if a wolf was charging you, what the hell would you do... stand there like fool and let him attack you?? Guess you'd do the same with a grizzly!!!
Not going to argue with an expert such as yourself. Personally I've never seen the sharp end of a wolf. Only their ass as they got outta dodge.