PEAX Equipment

Wolves delisting imminent

Do you have any details on this? I couldn't find anything.
It was in the local rag back in the day but quick google did not find an internet version. There are about 15-20 dog kills a year in northern NMN. Give the population is 2x the target capacity and white tail numbers are down in this area, it's not surprising. There is no fear of people in the ones around our place - they just stand and stare at you. I don't want them extinct, but a healthy respect for humans would be an improvement in our area.
It was in the local rag back in the day but quick google did not find an internet version.
Yep, I found a few stories of wolves being shot when going after dogs and no charges. Surprised there was no mention of someone going to Federal prison for same.;)
Yep, I found a few stories of wolves being shot when going after dogs and no charges. Surprised there was no mention of someone going to Federal prison for same.;)
I don't know the guy personally but from my neighbor who is a local, he ended up dropping his appeal in favor of no jail. But spent over $50k on defense and $50k on fine and has a federal conviction on his record. Just damn stupid if you ask me. I doubt it will happen again as it will either be SSS or "it came in after my dog but turned to me and I feared for my own safety" - easy out for those that learned from this guy's experience. There is an article about the same time frame in the Duluth paper website where the guy is quoted as essentially that - no charges.
Sorry, but I'm really struggling to believe a guy shot a wolf that was actively attacking his dog, and then got fined $50k and sentenced to 90 days in federal prison. I can give you a laundry list of instances where people have killed ESA species and not received anywhere close to that.

Here is just one example
Sorry, but I'm really struggling to believe a guy shot a wolf that was actively attacking his dog, and then got fined $50k and sentenced to 90 days in federal prison. I can give you a laundry list of instances where people have killed ESA species and not received anywhere close to that.

Here is just one example
Believe what you wish . . . It's 2020, everybody gets to have their own facts.
I'm not trying to have my own facts. Quite the contrary. I think your neighbor is full of shit. A sentence of that magnitude is rather extraordinary and I cannot reconcile in my mind it was a simple case of defending his dog.

This one was intentional.

Heck, this guy killed 18 intentionally, and his sentence finally reaches the level of what we're talking.

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I'm not trying to have my own facts. Quite the contrary. I think your neighbor is full of shit. A sentence of that magnitude is rather extraordinary and I cannot reconcile in my mind it was a simple case of defending his dog.

This one was intentional.

Heck, this guy killed 18 intentionally, and his sentence finally reaches the level of what we're talking.

I read the article with my own eyes in actual print. I know my neighbor, I don't know you. Call me a liar if you will, but that's on you. Politics are different in our area - pro-wolf spirits run high here, and local DAs with eyes on bigger office pander to the urban areas to the south for $$.
Call me a liar if you will, but that's on you.
I never called you a liar.

I'll stand by my statement that I cannot reconcile this was a simple self defense of a pet when there are so many examples that would highly contradict it.

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I never called you a liar.

I'll stand by my statement that I cannot reconcile this was a simple self defense of a pet when there are so many examples that would highly contradict it.

Who knows - maybe the guy was an ass in court, maybe he poached deer a few years earlier, maybe he was unrepentant, maybe the judge didn't believe his story, maybe a city judge from Minneapolis/St. Paul was sitting in Duluth for this case and his wife was an animal rights activist - sentencing varies wildly for all types of reasons. My point is, maybe you get a break, maybe you don't, but your life and liberty should not be subject to these whims over this. I get it if it is the last dodo bird on earth, but for overpopulated and poorly managed preditors this is not working in our area. And it is causing many to lose respect for the whole process. If NY lawyers keep making north MN families live with large excess wolve population I would not be surprised to hear that SSS will solve the problem for folks and MN wolve numbers start to level out. Which is the WRONG way to do science-based conservation.

As for the one guy, he could have prevented this by making sure he referenced his own safety in his statement or make no statement until his lawyer was present - good advice for all.
If other states are any indicator, probably 5-10 years on the high end.

I said "No CO National Park will have wolves". I did not say it's impossible for wolves to spread as far a RMNP. I have no doubt that within my lifetime wolves will have made it to Evergreen and Conifer.

I was referring to ecological reality of the park.

People need to look at topo map for 2 seconds, the parks are not comparable. The original NPS statement about wolf reintroduction boiled down wolves would be transient to they might summer in RMNP with the elk, but they would leave in the fall and winter.

I said "No CO National Park will have wolves". I did not say it's impossible for wolves to spread as far a RMNP. I have no doubt that within my lifetime wolves will have made it to Evergreen and Conifer.

I was referring to ecological reality of the park.

People need to look at topo map for 2 seconds, the parks are not comparable. The original NPS statement about wolf reintroduction boiled down wolves would be transient to they might summer in RMNP with the elk, but they would leave in the fall and winter.

My apologies.
All "intact eco system" fantasies aside, can anyone say hunting has improved after wolf reintroductions?
The wolf hunting and Trapping is better.

Seriously, though, after having several years of shoulder seasons lasting 6 months ask that question to see if our hunting seasons are better because of that.
The wolf hunting and Trapping is better.

Seriously, though, after having several years of shoulder seasons lasting 6 months ask that question to see if our hunting seasons are better because of that.
The shoulder seasons are a joke and part of FWP's war on elk. Most of those units have little to no no wolves.
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