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The only thing better than a gut shot coyote is one being stretched by hounds!!!
Tell a little about these dogs Wolfer!!! GREAT PICS!!!!
Thanks Bcat
the dogs in the pics are commonly called Stags they are sight dogs used to chase coyotes in the top pic there is 3 of my dogs the ones wearin the pink collars the 2 white ones are stags the brown one is a saluki the
the Middle Pic is of My LULU dog you guys in CA keep an eye out for her I sent her to a friend to have bred he and she both disappeared.....she is 3/4 treein walker and 1/4 hot blood greyhound she ran everything I ever wanted her to run. when we used her with the sight dogs she was used as a pick up dog when the other dogs lost sight of the coyote she would pick it up and most times push it till the sight dogs caught it
3rd pic is a typical throat hold the dog on the throat in that pic was typically a squeeze dog ( she would squeeze the chest) the dog actin like a pointer was a throat dog but he ran a little slow that day

If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN
Wolfer-Great pictures and excellent dogs!!! I have never heard of the dogs you mention, but that looks like tons of fun!!!! I really like your Black and Tans, as I have always been a little partial to that breed. The first dogs I ever had were B&T's and I still have three of them. What a friend huh!! Steal your dog!!! That stinks!! You know the old saying!!!!!!! Sorry to hear about that deal
We will get together here one of these days and hunt something
Send more pics if ya want to share em with us, I will be glad to post em for ya anytime. bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes

Wolfer, do you drive around until you see the coyote and then turn the dogs out or do you let a trail hound out first? I have heard of this kind of coyote hunting but know nothing of it. Your dogs look like they know what to do. Show us some more pictures if you have them.

Wolfer, Now that is a action shot.WOW ,I know they used to use some part grayhounds here in Idaho to run coyote's with ,I am thinking they were mixed with wolfhound at the time.It has been quite a while back when I worked for a vet. they would bring in dogs to get sutured up.It sure look's like a kick.I have seen some video's of dogs being used to hunt cotote's but not where they were on the coyote.Tell us more about it.Do the dog's kill the coyote or do you shoot them.Send more picture's those are great.

excellent pics wolfer!!! A lot different looking dogs than I am used to seeing.Where are you hunting ??It looks like a desert there.
I hunt coyotes here in N.H. and Maine but it is quite a bit different than where you are hunting ,I'm sure.We usually hunt on snow and the areas we hunt are very thick and mountainous.About like bear hunting more than varmit hunting.The end result is the same though judging from the pictures.We do shoot,or at least shoot at,many of the coyotes we run.
Up here they will hit a snowmobile trail and run for miles.My buddy got one a couple of weeks ago that weighed 58 lbs on offical scales !!!!

[This message has been edited by George P (edited 02-13-2001).]
Mountain Boomer,
Yes we Had specail boxes on our trucks with loaded doors that when Ya pulled a rope in the cab the doors came open you would drive around till ya spotted a coyote in a field then get as close to it with the truck as ya could and dump the dogs. another way I used to do it was drive around with my 4wheeler just roadin dogs I would push draws and such and kick up coyotes that way also.
they still use them in idaho as a matter of fact some of my dogs are still being used in Idaho for breeding the Middle and last pic were both in Idaho down toward twin falls at a place called Deep creek there is a Gentleman down there that is so into stags and such he had 39 last time I talked to himhis family owns a dairy down there and he feeds his dogs Mainly a beef diet.
When using sight dogs you mainly stick to open country the top pic was in NV the others were a trip to Idaho These dog hunt solely by sight so if a coyote dogs a ditch befor they get real close then chances are he is GONE that is why I used the brindle headed walker in the middle pic she was 3/4 treein walker and when she couldnt see them her nose went to ground.Tall brush didnt help matters either. the dogs did all the work the only time I ever shot a coyote was over a young group of pups to sothey could maul it with out gettin mauled when training. as the pups got older I would run them with experienced dogs till they caught on. 58lbs now thats a dog biggest I ever caught with my dogs was 39lbs.

If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN
them are some great pics. can you run a coyote with just two dogs or can the coyote handle two. you say your dogs are stags is that a breed or are they crossed with something? could you use just straight greyhounds or whippets?
runnin with just 2 could be done if you ran the right dogs it is typical to run 3 or more.As when it comes down to it ya dont want to lose a dog. Stags are usally a cross between a Greyhound and a deerhound or wolfhound.Straight greyhounds such as the ones used for racing lack a very key thing for running coyotes they heat up and most dont have the stamina (heat up meaning the get hot real easy on long runs and can and sometimes do stroke out on ya . Whippets are a little small But if ya buy chance live where there is Jack rabbits then running a coarsing dog is alot of fun .During the summer when it was to hot to run the dogs we would keep them in shape by running jackrabbits at night.And when ya turn out 5 of these Big boys on a little jack rabbit the favor is for the rabbit. I have seen dogs run straight into the truck (truck was parked) while focusing on catchin the rabbit, I yave even bailed from the truck because the rabbit came sailin thru the window with dogs right on its tail.These type of hounds are alot of fun but are very high maintanceif you work them, I became pretty good at stitchin up dogs do to fences and coyotes eatin on them.

If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN
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