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Wolf Tentative to be discussed.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Bitterroot Valley
MTFW&P's is having it's yearly tentative meeting, on May 10th to discuss amongst other things the 2012-13 wolf hunting season. Trapping will be on the plate, and we need support from everyone. Footloose Montana, and the Sierra Club, are planning to combat the proposal, and are flooding the commissioner's with anti trapping rhetoric. They know that if they lose here, that it will be a major blow to their goal of banning the use of trapping on public lands. Get involved. Plan to comment at one of the region offices, or in Helena. Please at min. send in your comments on the MTFW&P's web site.

Here's their web sites so you can see what their talking points are going to be.


Thanks for the info SS. I have to be honest, I couldn't make it all the way throught Footloose's narrative. I could only handle it for so long. Comments to FWP will be sent by me none-the-less.

Also, I recieved a FWP questionaire in the mail a couple of weeks ago regarding wolves / wolf hunting in MT. That was promptly filled out (pro-trapping statements made) and sent in as well.
I will be at the Commission meeting next week. At a minimum, I will be advocating the following, all which are allowed under the Montana Wolf Management Plan:

>Trapping statewide, with a required trapper education course and a 48-hour check rule.
>Multiple tags for hunters (2) and trappers (3 to 5 total)
>Higher quotas in all units.
>Unlimited quotas in some of the most impacted areas, such as the 'Root, the Gallatin, etc.
>Unlimited, or a very high quota, in Eastern and Central Montana to prevent wolf expansion there.
>Season dates until March 31st.
>Waiver of hunter orange requirment after rifle big game season closes.
>Lower the Non-resident tag fee.​
Those are the base minimums, I will be hammering on. I have been communicating these to the commission and the department for the last two months, so hopefully I have not yet worn out what welcome I had.

Some other changes that might be beneficial would be:

>Use of electronic calls (not a personal issue to me, but for those who want it, I support it)
>Opening for archery only as of the date of general archery season.​

I make one request of all of you Montana residents reading this - If you cannot make the meeting, which is the case for most on a weekday meeting, please provide written comments supporting more wolf managment options.

If we lose trapping of wolves, all the work we invested to get to this point will be negated. The anti-trapping and pro-wolf crowd is flooding the boxes with their comments. We need to counter that and give the commission the input they can use to support trapping and more aggressive actions.

Any Montana hunter sitting on his hands and not commenting on this issue should forever hold their piece as it relates to wolf and predator management in this state. The time for silence has passed. Now is the time for action.

Here is the link where comments will be accepted. Right now, the wolf proposal is not posted, but when it is, this link will have it. And, when it is posted, I will make sure and provide the direct link to the exact page.

I know if the NR fee wasn't $350 and closer to $100 there would be three sold in my party planning a MT hunt this fall.

I can't imagine the economics being better at $350, surely they would raise more money at $100 a pop from the 17,000 (assuming they'll all sell out shortly) Big Game Combo holders. Not to mention, probably have greater success on the harvest too.
Price and number of tags are set by the legislature. They'll have to adjust those in 2013.
I think they should throw one in when you buy a NR combo. Chances of killing a wolf are slim, throw those folks a bone!!!

Could have shot (or shot at) 3 last year opening day of elk, watched them walk. Would love to have multiple tags in my pocket also.
Here's a link to the Depts proposal. It starts Sept. 1 and ends Feb. 28th. IMO, that conflicts with archery season, on the front end, and leaves out great opportunity to hunt on the back end. March 15th or 31st should be the ender date. Also they should have never put a number on how many wolves they want left in the state. That will get a bill from SFW faster than stink on chit.

Probably the most poorly written communciation I have seen from a state agency. The most important topic in years, with the most important meeting on that topic, and they issue a summary memo that is written at a 5th grader level. You have to read that multiple times to get the full notion of what they are saying.

I agree, the 425 is a PR disaster. When did we decide to manage for 425? NEVER. They have just chit a big one in the nest by showing that number.

We have a plan that says we will manage above 150. No one in the negotiations I attended over the years was under the impression that we would set a number of 425. That is almost 3X the required minimum, which means we will be way above 425 after this year.

No one wants to get to 150 and be RE-lsited, but 425 has me steaming on this end.

And season until Feb 28th is another arbitrary concept. What is wrong with March 15th or 31st?

I gotta go for a walk and let this sink in.
From what I understand ending the trapping season on the Feb. 28 was to avoid confict with wolf trappers in WMU that also have grizzly bears. A 9" trap is certainly big enough to catch a griz, and a wolf trapper catching a griz does not seem like something that would turn out well for the bear or the trapper. Why they chose to end the rifle season for wolves the same date is as baffling as the opening on Sept 1st.

I have no problem with the opening dates. March 15th or 31 is by far a better closing date.

I don't get the 425 number either. If it was to appease the left then it is crap. Forget the left, they SHOULD have no influence on FWP or the commission. Also what legislature would carry any type of pro wolf bill? The threat of legislating from the left is non existant.

The extreme right is where the threat for wolf legislation comes from and having a 425 number there is playing into their hands. It leaves the door open for them. We need to slam the damn door. There is all ready a bottom of wolves. It is spelled out in the wolf management plan and also the EIS, more numbers confuse the issue.

Just my rant on some of the high points I got skimming it, I am sure I will rant again.
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Fin, I think you should also support a restructuring of the districts. I am not sure exactly how to do it. The wolves will not stay in a district like ungulates normally do as they have a much much larger travelling range. So I think their district quota's will be off from year to year and make it more difficult to fill the quotas.
The Dept. has the comment section up and running so it's time to let them know what we want. Here's my suggestions to add to theirs.


With these things in mind, we would like to propose that the commission take the following, additional steps to reduce wolf populations:

1). Start the opening for Trapping season to be Dec. 1st instead of Dec 15th date. That’s the standard winter date set for trapping most fur bearers.
2). Move the end the rifle season date to March 31st. We see no reason to have it any earlier. Pelts from wolves are still good, and they are easier to hunt then.
3). Allow the use of B-tags for hunters, and let both the A tag, and B tag be used by trappers, with 3 more allowed on a trapping license.
5). Have a top quota target number of 350 wolves statewide. You can’t manage short term for 425 wolves when you still have elk populations to reduce. Drop the use of 425 as a min number.
6). We’d like to see the NR wolf tag cut to $150. This should increase sportsmen opportunity.
7). Allow the use of electonic callers.

We believe that commission has the authority to make these changes and would encourage them to do so. There are many areas of the state that need this quick action by the commission. Let them know, WE KNOW, they have the authority, and should act. ASAP.
Thanks for posting that up S.S. I copied some of your letter and added several other points of my own.

A question I have is why not allow snaring also?
Thanks for posting that up S.S. I copied some of your letter and added several other points of my own.

A question I have is why not allow snaring also?

The Dept. the Governor's office, along with the Trappers Ass. and some in the commission believe that snares catch to many incidentals. It's one more tool we could use at a later date.
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