Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
A Lewiston, Idaho, man pleaded guilty in Federal Court on July 29, 2004, to
the killing of a gray wolf. Robin Shafer, after pleading guilty, was
sentenced and ordered to serve one year of probation with nationwide
revocation of hunting privileges, and to pay $21,252 in civil restitution
to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game.

Shafer admitted in court that he had shot and killed the wolf during a 2003
elk hunt near Elk River, Idaho, and that he had taken the tail of the wolf
to his Lewiston residence. The wolf, an adult female, was not

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Idaho Department of Fish and Game
began investigating the case in late 2003 after the Department received a
tip from a concerned citizen. State and federal investigators conducted an
extensive search and found the carcass of what appeared to be a wolf under
about four feet of snow near the campsite Shafer had used during the 2003
elk season. The investigators observed that the tail appeared to have been
removed from the carcass.

The remains of the wolf were sent to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service's
National Forensics Lab in Ashland, Oregon, and it was confirmed that the
carcass was that of a gray wolf that had been shot. Investigators conducted
numerous interviews and found what appeared to be a wolf tail in Shafer's|
residence while conducting an interview there. The investigation indicated
that the wolf had not been attacking or threatening Shafer when he shot it, and
that he had transported the wolf carcass to his camp to show it to others.

Shafer was charged in Federal Court with violating the Endangered Species
Act, including the killing, possession, and transport of a gray wolf, a
threatened species.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Mikel Williams sentenced Shafer in Moscow. Williams
said at the sentencing, "Regardless of whether you agree with the law or
not, you can not engage in vigilantism." Federal investigators requested
that the Court order Shafer to pay the restitution to an Idaho Fish and
Game account where it will be used to help offset costs of the state's gray
wolf management program.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is currently arranging payment of a
monetary reward to the concerned citizen whose call initiated the
investigation. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Law Enforcement Field
Supervisor, Craig Tabor, noted, "We hope that this penalty will serve as a
deterrent to others who would take the law into their own hands, and we are
pleased to have the opportunity to provide funds that will support Idaho's
increasing role in wolf management."
Do you know the guy's address? maybe I could send him a check to help with the costs.

This guy also needs some finacial help...he did the same thing. Please cut him a check as well.

The man who was charged with one of Wyoming's worst poaching cases ever will spend a year in jail and pay a hefty fine. The case reached a plea agreement last month. David Elliot Hudson of Jackson shot eleven elk last November in the Gros Ventre valley northeast of Jackson. He was charged with 9 counts of wanton destruction big game animals, and 2 violations of the winter range statute. of The 20 year-old is currently in the Teton County Jail. He was fined $11,000. Circuit Court Judge Tim Day also ordered him to pay $11,000 restitution, and forfeit his weapons and his hunting and fishing license privileges for life.
DEAD, He doesn't have an address anymore-----he's homeless. He was one of the big talkers who was telling everybody to "shoot, shovel and shut up", so maybe some of the other blowhards around Lewiston know which bridge he's living under.
Problem was He didn't Shut up
Just a Good lesson for the Rest of us !!!

How Chitty is that. Doesn't it make ya Sick that someone Shoots a Wolf, Pays 22k in Fines... then the Next article Buzz Posts a guy

shot eleven elk last November in the Gros Ventre valley northeast of Jackson. He was charged with 9 counts of wanton destruction big game animals, and 2 violations of the winter range statute.

And pays only the Same.... Each Elk should have been 22k like the Stupid Dog.
At least the guy lost his hunting privileges for life. He should of had to pay a lot more though. He also was video taping the whole thing when he shot the 11 Elk.
I went to the Idaho Anti-Wolf Coalition dinner/legal fund raiser in St. Maries on Saturday. They did a pretty good job of raising funds for the law suit to remove wolves from Idaho. They have hired John Runft, a lawyer out of Boise, as the attorney.
John Runft and the AWC are wasting money and time.

Neither have even a slim chance of removing wolves from Idaho...if anyone believes they do, they've lost their minds.

Instead of raising money to fight a losing battle, maybe they should raise money to fund research, buy habitat, improve habitat, etc.

Might as well be throwing money out in the streets, it would do more good.
What kind of stumpdick sick bastard would shoot 11 elk? this punk should be turned over to a room full of hunters [then lock the door] we had one of these sicko`s in AZ afew years ago[ he was a rancher] Mike Odem was his name.
"Do you know the guy's address? maybe I could send him a check to help with the costs."

I know enough of this issue only to comment on THIS individual!!
He took the tail!! That in itself makes him NOTHING better than a common poacher. If his issue was one of not wanting a species, protesting importation, or preservation of Elk he would not have attempted to keep and conceal evidence of his crime.
At least the press release didn't refer to him as a sportman or hunter. Those we get weekly back east!!

I know enough of this issue only to comment on THIS individual!!
He took the tail!! That in itself makes him NOTHING better than a common poacher. If his issue was one of not wanting a species, protesting importation, or preservation of Elk he would not have attempted to keep and conceal evidence of his crime.
I totally agree
Sorry Guy's. I new my coment would ruffle a few fethers but I couldn't resist. I wont be sending the guy any money. Anybody stupid enough to pack the animal back to camp and save the tail for a souvenir is not someone I want to share the woods with. However, I wont shed any tears for the dog (as Moosie put it)ether. The dog would have been better off in Canada and the US tax payers would have a few million dollars to spend where it would have done more good and caused a lot less of a ruckus.
Ten, the word on the street is that the " Idaho Anti-Wolf Coalition, Inc. needs YOU!
This Coalition (an Idaho non-profit corporation)" is paying big money to the directors. This is starting to look like a scam. Do you have any idea what kinda expenses the directors have been getting reimbursed for!
Originally posted by Ten Bears:
I went to the Idaho Anti-Wolf Coalition dinner/legal fund raiser in St. Maries on Saturday. They did a pretty good job of raising funds for the law suit to remove wolves from Idaho. They have hired John Runft, a lawyer out of Boise, as the attorney.
I laughed when I heard they hired Runft... :D ;)

I cried when I heard what the rumour was he was charging them... :mad: :( :eek:

Hey Ten,

Would you guess the average belt size on the attendees at that banquet was over 40" or under 40"???

Would you guess your IQ was above average in that banquet, or below average???

Did any of them happen to mention what grounds they have for a lawsuit, and what precedents they think they have in their favor???


Wouldn't you love to see their finanical statements????

Hey Ten,
Why don't you send them a message, tell them you were real impressed, and you are considering a bigger donation, if you can have a peek at their financial statments....
I'd like to know what they are doing too ? I for One could Give a Rats Ass about a Wolf. Just as Soon Shoot one in the Guts and let it run off and die... So now that ya know my stance, I still wouldn't go to a Wolf Bashers Dinner. I can Hear them NOW .. "There ain't no More Elk because the Wolves ate them all". , "We're gonig to get rid of the Woves !!!!!" I haven't heard anything yet of were the Hundreds of thousands of Dollars are going that has been raised by them.

Ten, I'm all for Getting rid of the Wolves... HOW did they say they were gonig to Spend your Money ? what is a Boise Lawyer going to do to change the Federal Guidelines ?

I can See it now, When Fish and Game and the State get their Ducks in a Row... and The Feds finally delist them, The Anti Wolf coalition are going to say it was them that changed it when in fact it is just a #'s game and a time game. Hell, Maybe I'll take Claim too.... Kind of like tomorrow when the Sun comes up, When You look at it, Please thank me :rolleyes:

Will Idaho ever get rid of the Wolves ?
Hey Moosie

You big Poo-poo head.... (just testing to see if Del deletes me...)

You know what is really funny about this whole scam??? You have Outfitters and Ranchers fleecing hunters for the $$$$

Why on earth would I, as a hunter, feel the least bit that Gillett can't get his clients on to an elk up in the Sawtooths???? All the more for me....

I was at a BBQ last week, and some guys were all excited about the McCall pack the Gov't killed, 'cuz of the 100+ sheep that got ate....

I pointed out that all those sheep do more damage to the deer and Elk than the Wolves....
"I can See it now, When Fish and Game and the State get their Ducks in a Row... and The Feds finally delist them, The Anti Wolf coalition are going to say it was them that changed it when in fact it is just a #'s game and a time game. Hell, Maybe I'll take Claim too"

I wonder how many wolves & Bears we would have by now if there werent any guys out there with the ball's to stand up to the treehugger's and animal rights nuts ?

"Ten, the word on the street is that the " Idaho Anti-Wolf Coalition, Inc. needs YOU!"

Really Ithaca ,The word on the street as I hear it is that the Treehugger & animal rights groups & anti's already HAVE you.
Elkgunner.. Since I am A POO POO head it's not considered name calling ;)

Wazz up ith the dots ? ..... that's my way of typing..... You trying to steal it ....... I'll Sue you !!!! ;)

I agree Sheep Suck too. MAybe we can Get rid of the Sheep and the Wolves and putthem on the Same Island I want to Put Rope sucking Qweers and polititians ?!?!?! (No Offence to the Stool pushing homo's or potititians :rolleyes: )
Md4me, Tell me how the Anti Group Slowed down Anything, Do you think we'd have more wolves if it wasn't for them ? (Not being a Smart alec here, jsut wondering what they've done with All the Money people are pouring into them ?)

Really Ithaca ,The word on the street as I hear it is that the Treehugger & animal rights groups & anti's already HAVE you.
Now that was Funny :D
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