Wolf Delisting and Congress

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Currently, there is an effort to delist wolves in congress. Right now, our best shot at getting something passed is in the Continuing Resolution. We just sent this out:

Support the Continuing Resolution that Delists the Northern Rockies Wolf Populations in Idaho and Montana

Representative Mike Simpson of Idaho has attached language to the Continuing Resolution that delists wolves in the Northern Rockies.

This Rider simply reinstates the 2009 delisting rule that gave Montana and Idaho control over their destinies. It does not modify the ESA, and as we understand it, has support in both the House and the Senate.

The Rider would delist recovered wolves and may lead to wolf hunting by sportsmen for management purposes. This will be a step in the right direction in restoring elk, deer and moose populations.

Please take a moment and send Representative Simpson a note, or call his office supporting this Rider.

Representative Simpson’s contact info:
DC office 202-225-5531
Boise office 208-334-1953
Email: simpson.house.gov

Tim Aldrich
Montana Wildlife Federation President
As much as I'd like to see them delisted, I can't bring myself to support the idea of using Congress to do it. We'd be golden if the managing agencies would put together an acceptable plan (I realize some have). They've had more than 15 years to be thinking about this issue.
If there were any other way, it would have been done. Having any legislative body dictate wildlife management is a bad idea, but until we get the DPS rule changed within the ESA so that delisting can occur along political boundaries, we're stuck with wolves being listed, but really recovered.
At least for the Rockies, we ALL know there is a way and we know what is preventing it. There's no reason we should be managing endangered and threatened species using political boundaries.
There is no choice but Congress. It will be the quickest fix and our elk need quick.
Haha. You might be able to sell me on the idea if Wyoming had a decent plan like the other two states. Until all three states have an acceptable plan that gets shot down, I'm not willing to circumvent the ESA.
Screw Wyoming. I'm to the point, that I will support whatever means lets us shoot wolves and do it legally. Something needs to be done and done now. I don't care what it is.
Haha. You might be able to sell me on the idea if Wyoming had a decent plan like the other two states. Until all three states have an acceptable plan that gets shot down, I'm not willing to circumvent the ESA.

Dude you just don't get it.
At least for the Rockies, we ALL know there is a way and we know what is preventing it. There's no reason we should be managing endangered and threatened species using political boundaries.

Wyoming had a great plan, but it got shot down by the special interests in the state.
Until it's in the books, it's just an idea, not a plan. The only plan I've seen is to shoot every one of them that wanders out of the Park.
And we are going to jack around and continue to watch elk numbers plumment? No freaking way. Cow /calf numbers continue to plumment, hunter opportunity continues to get cut. You suggest we sit back and wait for Wyoming? You have no clue.

HD 250, right here in my damn back yard just got FWP commission approval to go to LE BTB permits. 25 of them. That right, 25 damn permits. Thats right the ONLY elk harvest in the unit, archery or rifle will be if you draw one of those permits. Mule deer went from unlimited buck permits to 125 LE permits.

In 2005 the spring counts were 1914 observed elk with a cow/calf ratio of 32 per 100. Bull/cow 18/100.
2152 hunter days spent in that HD and checked 357 elk.

For 2011 LE BTB permits, 25 of them maybe less if counts continue to slide.
2010 spring counts of 764 observed elk, cow/calf ratios of 11 per 100. Bull/cow ratios of 4/100.


HD 250 has one of the highest density wolf populations in the state to don't tell me about circumventing the ESA. I know you are new here but it would be best if you do not speak about things you do not know.

Ok so its a bit of a rant, but I am damn tired of the wolf issue. We have been in this battle since the mid nineties and listening to arm chair quarter backs with big ideas that can't get done gets old.

Throw in a crazy legislative session and my blood pressure goes up. Make the calls, send the emails.
Tjones, I thought all of that was a result of your nonhunting biologist ;). I understand your frustration, but this could set an extremely ugly precedent that personally I'm not willing to support. I understand why some people might though. I'm just not one of them.
Didn't get to the end of your post before responding. No need to get all fussy. It doesn't seem like my idea is much of a stretch (it also doesn't require one to be an "armchair quarterback" to come up with it). If everyone does their job, you get to shoot a wolf. Pretty simple.
Tjones, I thought all of that was a result of your nonhunting biologist ;). I understand your frustration, but this could set an extremely ugly precedent that personally I'm not willing to support. I understand why some people might though. I'm just not one of them.

Liberal season and some to do with it, as did lions. But all that has been corrected.

I don't give a damn what bill gets passed just so Montana and Idaho get to manage wolves.

You have no clue of my frustration. I am not willing to bet MY elk on "could set an extremely ugly precedent that personallyyou are not willing to support"
Didn't get to the end of your post before responding. No need to get all fussy. It doesn't seem like my idea is much of a stretch (it also doesn't require one to be an "armchair quarterback" to come up with it). If everyone does their job, you get to shoot a wolf. Pretty simple.

Wow, you think you are the first guy to want Wyoming to come up with an accepted plan?

Something here is pretty simple.
I'm also not debating the number of wolves that are around or the damage their doing to the elk. However, to me, it's not worth setting this precedence. Living in the Bitterroot for the last century has nothing to do with my awareness of the situation. Frustration, yes. You've got me beat. I'm well aware of your hunting situation. It sucks.

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