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Wisconsin Wolf kill reaches 50% of statewide quota after first day of season; DNR to close three zones

But it would demonstrate the hypocrisy of those involved. The reality is wolves are used as an excuse by people who have no interest in understanding a complex system.
I understand it. But, lots of different "systems" out there. Besides, it's an old arguement. Since about 1994 here in Montana I think. mtmuley
Oh the things people do, all justified by altruism. They can go to the store buy hamburger and donate that. Or better yet, write a check.
I'm all for someone donating hamburger, money, whatever you can etc. I dont donate anything from the store, but I donate my share of cash and have donated a few deer in the past. Dont really need your approval on anythung I donate is justified or not either.
We all have opinions.
I didn’t say donating a deer was disturbing, i implied a person making an argument that there are no deer and then shooting a doe and donating was odd to me.
I dont remember stating anything about how there is "no deer"?
To chime in:
-many areas have plenty of deer. People shooting does and donating to the hungry seems altruistic. To me the bigger question is around CWD concerns around donations.
-some places the wolves do chomp a fair number of deer (believe 20/wolf/year is the general consensus). Understood not all 20 of those would make it, but still, if a pack moved into your area and represented 80-120 fewer deer, it would mean ... wait for it...fewer deer
-hunting wolves is not solely done on the basis of helping deer. I’ve never heard anyone say that the only reason to hunt coyotes is to help small game populations.
-as for the impact on hunting PR due to tribal quota being impacted 1) meh (I have never heard this as a significant complaint for hunting issues here in WI before), 2) meh (this was a weird legally required shotgunned together season that will have more data to support it starting November), 3) meh (I don’t care because I just don’t care)
-I’m also gradually figuring out that it’s simply the off-season and people need something to bitch about...especially given the COVID-driven shortage of strippers of the little people persuasion
I dont remember stating anything about how there is "no deer"?
I was referring to the general argument in this thread. Your argument for “donating meat” was in my response to eliminating does tags (not going to happen, but threw it out there for thought). It has no relevance in the argument. This is about the cognitive dissonance of a hunter thinking wolves are reducing the deer herd while simultaneously reducing the deer herd by shooting does. I don’t really care what they do with the meat. That said, it would seem in that instance they just like to shoot stuff. That or they are simply altruistic but don’t quite have a firm grasp on how deer get made.
I understand it. But, lots of different "systems" out there. Besides, it's an old arguement. Since about 1994 here in Montana I think. mtmuley
No you don’t. But it doesn’t reduce your confidence in telling people how to fix it.
I was referring to the general argument in this thread. Your argument for “donating meat” was in my response to eliminating does tags (not going to happen, but threw it out there for thought). It has no relevance in the argument. This is about the cognitive dissonance of a hunter thinking wolves are reducing the deer herd while simultaneously reducing the deer herd by shooting does. I don’t really care what they do with the meat. That said, it would seem in that instance they just like to shoot stuff. That or they are simply altruistic but don’t quite have a firm grasp on how deer get made.
My response to you eliminating doe tags was just one example of how many people depend on those deer for food. I have no idea your situation but my family would be fine without any deer tags we would still eat just fine. Some families however that is not the case.
My response to you eliminating doe tagswas just one example of how many people depend on those deer for food. I have no idea your situation but my family would be fine without any deer tags we would still eat just fine. Some families however that is not the case.
I keep hearing about these families, but I have never met them. I know of none directly. I question their existence, and if they do exist, I suspect they are incredibly rare. Depending upon deer for food is a losing proposition (and a very expensive one).
I keep hearing about these families, but I have never met them. I know of none directly. I question their existence, and if they do exist, I suspect they are incredibly rare. Depending upon deer for food is a losing proposition (and a very expensive one).
Maybe you should get out a little more. The expensive part I understand a lot of those families that depend on it however aren't always buying the latest and greatest gear or hunting with Christopher Columbus' collectors rifle.
Maybe you should get out a little more. The expensive part I understand a lot of those families that depend on it however aren't always buying the latest and greatest gear or hunting with Christopher Columbus' collectors rifle.
I get out just fine. I say they don't exist. Or at best are vanishingly small proportion of the population. I used to live in Northern Illinois. I didn't meet a single such family or person or knew of anyone that could claim that they knew such a family.
I keep hearing about these families, but I have never met them. I know of none directly. I question their existence, and if they do exist, I suspect they are incredibly rare. Depending upon deer for food is a losing proposition (and a very expensive one).

Bet you havent seen big foot either.
I have ...twice.
I keep hearing about these families, but I have never met them. I know of none directly. I question their existence, and if they do exist, I suspect they are incredibly rare. Depending upon deer for food is a losing proposition (and a very expensive one).
Define "depending on"