Winter kill update

As a NR that has plenty of things to do any given time in the fall, I’m damn sure not going to spend roughly grand on a hunt where the animals just went through a winter holocaust. I’m buying a point, whether I end up using it or not. Hope you all have fun on those deer and antelope in the 6 month blizzard death zone. Draw those premier tags - good year for it. 🤣
I have been growing more and more hesitant to out in these year but this past few weeks' weather has sealed it for me. Best to sit this one out I think
As a NR that has plenty of things to do any given time in the fall, I’m damn sure not going to spend roughly grand on a hunt where the animals just went through a winter holocaust. I’m buying a point, whether I end up using it or not. Hope you all have fun on those deer and antelope in the 6 month blizzard death zone. Draw those premier tags - good year for it. 🤣
From the sound of things it won't be much different than hunting mule deer in montana.
Has anyone been hearing about other places winter impacts on animals? All we hear is southern wyoming now NW colorodo. We know about Montana policy but what about other impacted areas in utah/idaho/nebraska etc with there wildlife and ultimately tags? Are more tag changes coming in places we havent talked about? Idahos best oppurtunity to reduce tags was in December before all the weather, but is there impacts and they are just rolling with it?
I have been growing more and more hesitant to out in these year but this past few weeks' weather has sealed it for me. Best to sit this one out I think
The hardest part of hunting with my wife is lodging. Can't get her to camp but on the other hand, she's not high maintenance. We have stayed at a place with power but no running water, so an outhouse. This year we found a place, just so happens its in the hardest hit. Put a good amount down, no refunds.
Talked it over last weekend, thought she'd say cancel, cut our losses. We think so much alike.
We have never hunted in the same place twice, never hunted with a guide and have eaten our tags in the past. We are going on vacation.
Maybe we'll hunt.
Seems like a good year to use our families Gen deer tags as fire starter during our elk hunts.
Has anyone been hearing about other places winter impacts on animals? All we hear is southern wyoming now NW colorodo. We know about Montana policy but what about other impacted areas in utah/idaho/nebraska etc with there wildlife and ultimately tags? Are more tag changes coming in places we havent talked about? Idahos best oppurtunity to reduce tags was in December before all the weather, but is there impacts and they are just rolling with it?
Maybe this will be the winter that causes Idaho to figure out a different way to sell nonresident general tags
i've been thinking screw it, there will still be some animals and still some tags, and as usual, life is short so put in.

but i'm feeling the same as greenhorn i think.

i'm gonna have a solid bull tag, a solid late season cow tag, a white tail buck tag, some white tail doe tags, a mule deer buck tag, and will find a doe mule deer tag and another bull tag if i want one.

the only places i planned to apply for pronghorn in wyo is on the badder portion of snowy's map. i think i'm out. save that dough.
Has anyone been hearing about other places winter impacts on animals? All we hear is southern wyoming now NW colorodo. We know about Montana policy but what about other impacted areas in utah/idaho/nebraska etc with there wildlife and ultimately tags? Are more tag changes coming in places we havent talked about? Idahos best oppurtunity to reduce tags was in December before all the weather, but is there impacts and they are just rolling with it?

it's not like it is in NW colorado or south central wyoming, but SW colorado is taking some measures too. there is zero talk of quota changes though as far as i know.

Rather than flying all over the west trying to hunt 40 tags a year, you know you can hunt one tag and try to take the oldest critter in the unit. Just saying that’s an option for some of you guys. Might be a good year to try that
A couple of interesting things.

First, I think we have a recency bias in our views of the severity. It doesn't mean this isn't a bad winter, rather it means relative to our recent memory it is terrible. Generally, winters had been mild for the past few decades. I recognize the issue isn't just total snow fall amount but the hardening of the snowpack that is the biggest problem. In trying to find something positive, I think if we give the animals a break, they will rebound. They were built to survive these.
Screenshot 2023-04-05 at 8.11.46 AM.png

Second, You can watch the entire snow season here, Nationwide or by region, in the animate section. Some areas are not hit as hard as others or got the benefit of melting. You can also see the bad areas where the snow came and never loosened its grip.

This is northern Wisconsin.

I’m currently getting laughed at for suggesting this guy stays out of the woods to help alleviate some stress on the deer.

I forgot it’s all the wolves fault.


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There are generally not SNOTEL sites on winter range. We have had some crazy good snowpack years in the past where the winter range only had light snow. That's not the case in some areas this year.

Run the season-long snow depth animation for the central Rockies on @SAJ-99's link for this year and 2022 and compare. You can clearly see the difference in persistence of snowpack on winter range in south central WY and NW Colorado.
There are generally not SNOTEL sites on winter range. We have had some crazy good snowpack years in the past where the winter range only had light snow. That's not the case in some areas this year.

Run the season-long snow depth animation for the central Rockies on @SAJ-99's link for this year and 2022 and compare. You can clearly see the difference in persistence of snowpack on winter range in south central WY and NW Colorado.
With the Snow we also need to look at Cold. I am pretty certain there were all sorts of records broken for cold.
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