
Winchester Model 70 Super Grade Stainless .264 Win. Mag.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2021
Anyone have experience with one of these? I had ordered a Model 70 Featherweight Stainless in .264 Win. Mag., and thought that the rifle was in stock but after waiting 1.5 weeks the seller said that the rifle is on back order, so I got a refund. Seems to be plenty of the Stainless Super Grade's around. The Super Grade is fancier, heavier, has a 26" barrel vs a 24" barrel on the Featherweight, and costs about $400 more than the Featherweight. So now I have Leupold rings and bases for a Winchester Model 70 Long Action, and 2 new boxes of .264 Win. Mag. ammo. Have never had a Winchester Model 70, and have always wanted one in the .264 Win. Mag. Already have a .257 Wby. Mag., a 7mm RM, and a .300 Wby. Mag. Looking for feedback on the Winchester.
My .325 wsm started life as a Super Grade, although not a stainless. Bought a laminate stock because the Super Grade was just too pretty. Thought about changing the bottom metal, it’s a RMEF banquet rifle and engraved.
With 200 grain Partitions, it shoots 3/4” groups all day long. Was never a big Winchester fan in the past, but this rifle has changed my mind.
On the hunt for a Model 70 EWSS in 7mm or 300 mag now.
Oh ya, miss the .264 that I sold in a moment of weakness!
Based on looks, I'd go Super Grade. The weight difference is not something I'd fret for the uses I'd have for a rifle like that.

'Twould have been nice if they'd put 8" twist barrels on them...
Based on looks, I'd go Super Grade. The weight difference is not something I'd fret for the uses I'd have for a rifle like that.

'Twould have been nice if they'd put 8" twist barrels on them...
The 9 twist should accommodate bullet selection fairly well...
For me, the extra weight really isn't a big deal as 100% of my hunting is done in Michigan from box blinds and pop up tents...also a little extra weight isn't necessarily a bad thing with magnums.
The featherweights and the super grades are nearly the same weight. The only difference is the barrel length. The magnums do not have the thinner tapered/stepped barrel. I could go either way. The SG and FW both have attractive lines compared to the standard. Tough choice to make. :) I see a few of the dark maples FW online recently.
I have a Model 70 Super Grade in a 300WSM. Got it in 2010. Really like the looks and feel of it, but have had fits getting it to shoot well. Have tried different scopes etc, and now have it into a gunsmith to dissect it piece by piece. Really want it to be a shooter for me.
I have a Model 70 Super Grade in a 300WSM. Got it in 2010. Really like the looks and feel of it, but have had fits getting it to shoot well. Have tried different scopes etc, and now have it into a gunsmith to dissect it piece by piece. Really want it to be a shooter for me.

I hope that you get it sorted out, and shooting well. Also hope that the one that I have coming is a shooter.
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