MTNTOUGH - Use promo code RANDY for 30 days free

Win a hunt!

Thank you Randy, just received the DVD's down here in little ol' New Zealand, about to have an Elk hunting marathon session!
Are you serious?
I had to fly half way across the world to collect mine from Bozeman!
BTW, it's a great way to pass a few hours watching them during the winter.
Hey Randy!! With March coming up quick, I was wondering if you can give us some kind of odds of winning a prize? I hope that you've hit the quota that you were hoping for but I was thinking that maybe if the odds were good enough, some people will be willing to purchase more dvd sets from you. I've already watched my set numerous times!! Thanks for everything that you do!!
Hey Randy!! With March coming up quick, I was wondering if you can give us some kind of odds of winning a prize? I hope that you've hit the quota that you were hoping for but I was thinking that maybe if the odds were good enough, some people will be willing to purchase more dvd sets from you. I've already watched my set numerous times!! Thanks for everything that you do!!

As of the end of January report, the total sold is 486. So, right now, your odds of getting a 3-DVD set with a lot of great public land elk hunts is 100%, with your odds of winning the Grand Prize, or any of the other four prizes, is based on how many entries you have purchased, divided by 486.
As of the end of January report, the total sold is 486. So, right now, your odds of getting a 3-DVD set with a lot of great public land elk hunts is 100%, with your odds of winning the Grand Prize, or any of the other four prizes, is based on how many entries you have purchased, divided by 486.

With my one purchase and 5 total prizes, basically 1% odds.
However, like you said...100% on receiving great elk hunting entertainment. Money well spent regardless if I happen to win or not.
Odds just got a bit worse. I'm in. Of course, I never win things I really want... Maybe being REALLY out of shape will be the lucky charm! Gonna make me work for it. Good luck to all!
I throw away $20 every year for the Elk lottery here in KY and don't get any DVDs, so this is a lot better. Plus this probably has a lot better odds than KY's elk draw!
Bought 2 copies, one for me since I don't get the hunting channels, and one as a christmas gift. I'm really hoping I might win, I think its awesome Big Fin and his crew are willing to do this. Thanks for a great show Randy!
Thanks for getting back to me Randy! I think this was a very good idea and I'm glad everyone is supporting you and your team. Those are some pretty good odds and this makes me even more excited than I already was!!
Thanks for offering this up Randy! I am in. I may have skipped over it, but can you tell us what New Mexico unit the landowner tag is good for? Thanks again!
Thanks for offering this up Randy! I am in. I may have skipped over it, but can you tell us what New Mexico unit the landowner tag is good for? Thanks again!

Not completely sure yet. Will probably be the early rifle hunt in Unit 51, if I can make that work.
I'm in, I know a lot a HT's love what you bring as a TV show, your giveaways, your insight on the forums, and what you do for conservation. Thanks for everything.
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