"Win a Hunt with Randy!" 2015 Sweepstakes Recap

Thanks for the account Lv2hnt, while unsuccessful your hunt pretty much sums up what On Your Own Adventures appeals to me the most. Real hunts with real people, thanks again Kevin.
Great read! I felt like I was right there with ya. Thanks for posting
Thanks for writing your second story here that captivated my imagination and made me feel like I was there. Once again, I can feel your disappointment of not tagging out mixed with your joy of being in the field on a great hunt. Luckily, there will be many more hunts for you - some with tags placed on animals and some with tags left in your pocket. Your focus is on the bigger picture - the enjoyment of the hunt as the reward - and I hope we can all find ourselves looking through that lens at some point in our hunting careers. Hope you get to feeling 100% soon.

P.S. It might have been that ugly hat that spooked the elk. ;)
You are an excellent writer, I am definitely jealous as I find it difficult to convey my thoughts on paper.
Thanks for sharing. I'll echo the comments above that you did a great job telling the story.

Sounds like it was an awesome experience.
Great story, Tom. It was a pleasure to hunt with you. I sure wish the hunt had transpired as we thought when all those bulls were bugling the morning before season opened.

I can only hope that the winner this year will have the same smile and upbeat attitude you had, even when the elk were making themselves hard to find.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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