Caribou Gear Tarp

Will this section Die...

!!!! IT IS???!!!!

Do explain oh wise and noble one.... ;)

I don't see this section ever going away, just some being chased away...

Come on now gunner, you want to alway's have every one else show proof of what they say, it is now your turn....

You love to continually make false allegations towards any one you don't agree with, be the same as me calling you a pedifile and not having any grounds to do so....

But then again, I decided a while ago, that the name calling would cease on my part, but there is alway's more than one way to skin a cat... ;)

Answer and I will let it be....

Otherwise you will just help up my post count... :D
On the contary, the Bush bashers will have four more years to blame him for everything they can think of.

"If we had elected Kerry, my feet wouldn't stink so bad, it's all Dubyas falt."
Oh and there is Ithaca that won't answer questions just like Elkcummer! You never answered my question last night!

I never said Bush did anything good! But you SHOW me Kerry will!
Originally posted by Moosie:
Once Bush wins and Kerry looses ?

Just wondering :D
Only if you promise to replace it with Playboy's top 100, Maxim's easiest 50, or FHM's unprinted pages!! :D :D

....or if Dubya finishes a sentence without one UH!!

Nah, it wont go away. IT, EG, and BUZZ will still be spewing their propaganda to the unwashed masses (I hear MOOSEE leads that band too).......
I think Moosie likes to stay in the middle.

Now come on gunner. I saw you on this morning, I am wondering if you think staying away for a little while will slowly let this all blow away....
Maybe on some issues, but this one will need to be answerd one way or another to be let slide into oblivion... ;)
LMAO!!!! Now that would be a good one... They both had ties to Vietnam in their own way's.... ;)
It could be the best Liberal ticket yet, they could even add Barbra Striesand in the ticket some where to top it off.... :eek: :D
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