Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Will market volatility and or heath concerns with the virus influence your western hunting plans

Will stock market volatility and the virus curb you from heading West to hunt?

  • To much financial risk and or health risk in traveling - not going this year

    Votes: 23 7.3%
  • Risky, will apply and decide later whether to go

    Votes: 60 19.0%
  • Not concerned, headed west with no changes planned

    Votes: 232 73.7%

  • Total voters
Being the eternal optimist, 2020 (and probably 2021 if this looming recession plays out the way I think it will) will likely provide your best chance to draw with minimal points in low odds units. Based on the responses in this thread of so many hard core hunters reconsidering, draw odd will likely be far better than any year in recent history. As Winston Churchill said “Never waste a good crisis”... assuming you can afford it.
Boy am I glad I did my applications before the CAD tanked, still got NV to do though...

I work for the Federal Gov't so I'll be paid no matter what but if things keep going this way it's going to be a couple expensive trips south of the border.
Being the eternal optimist, 2020 (and probably 2021 if this looming recession plays out the way I think it will) will likely provide your best chance to draw with minimal points in low odds units. Based on the responses in this thread of so many hard core hunters reconsidering, draw odd will likely be far better than any year in recent history. As Winston Churchill said “Never waste a good crisis”... assuming you can afford it.
I'm with you - and it sure doesnt hurt to have something to look forward to or at least keep your mind occupied during the down time.
I'd say it's pretty hard for any of us to predict the impacts this may be having on us 6 months from now. It's a lot more than how well our stocks are doing or whether or not we catch a virus. I think the untold story right now is the potential severity of disruption beyond those who become infected. There may be significant economic, workforce, and education disruptions. Companies slowing production, local businesses failing due to people isolating themselves, school closures, etc. The healthcare system is going to be taxed beyond just impacts at hospitals. Think about impacts to first responders, dialysis centers, urgent care centers, childcare facilities, etc. Breaking news came across my phone 25 minutes ago: "White House considering tax relief for airline, travel, and cruise industries hurt by coronavirus." Is everyone going to be bailed out? If you don't have families to worry about, or a business, or a job, then perhaps it's easy to predict the fall now. For many of us, not so easy.
I wish I would have taken a screen cap of the voting results when I posted this 11 days ago. I think it was 97% “not concerned.” My belief now is that there is no way this doesn’t have a huge impact on draw odds in states where the draw is still open. I could be wrong.
with the corona thing going crazy now,ive decided to not put in tag apps in n m this year as they are spendy to sit on and not refundable.,still putting in some other states though.
I have pretty much decided not to put in for NM elk. If this continues to be an issue for weeks or months I would feel pretty foolish having money tied up waiting for draws if I was having a hard time providing basic needs of my family.
I wish I would have taken a screen cap of the voting results when I posted this 11 days ago. I think it was 97% “not concerned.” My belief now is that there is no way this doesn’t have a huge impact on draw odds in states where the draw is still open. I could be wrong.
you're not. The tipping point was Mon when states started closing bars/restaurants and gyms
I was originally thinking no, but I’m really on the fence for NM at this point. If the lockdown goes into summer I’m going to end up in pretty rough shape financially.
I initially responded that I wasn’t concerned and wasn’t making any changes. My plan was for my Dad and I to burn our six WY antelope points. However, my Dad falls in that group of compromised older folks and because of that, we’re going to take a wait and see approach as far as the group application goes. But, because he falls in that compromised group, it might be his last chance anyway. We’ll have to wait until the end of May and decide.

I’ll be applying the end of May either way, but I may be trying to pull my second choice and going solo. The hope would then be to burn the points next year after this all gets figured out. If this keeps up for another couple of months, apps will come down and hopefully improve the second choice odds.

The only good thing about this is that as my portfolio craters my job security goes through the roof - one of the benefits of being in collections. I’ve sacrificed too much saving for the future to let a recession stop me from heading west at this point. Good luck to all. As others have said, it will be interesting to see how this situation evolves in the next couple of months.
If I had a big pile of points for anything, I might be inclined to hold back until this thing shakes out.

For the most part, I burn my points as quick as I can and don't build much. I know every year I'm going to spend a certain amount of money on tags, that's built into my budget. My application strategy will not be any different, while being aware that there is some chance that travel restrictions may prevent me from actually hunting those tags. While that would certainly suck, at that point I expect we'll all have bigger things to worry about.
We were set to do a Black Hills turkey hunt the last week of season. Have a cabin reserved through homeaway. I doubt that will happen now unless this thing turns around. We already bought our turkey tags and fishing license so right now I've got about +$260 on the licenses and about $300 on the rental that I'll lose. Didn't get the trip insurance lol. Anyways, homeaway sent me an email saying that they were asking their property owners to show some leniency with the cancellation or change policy. I may just see if I can reschedule for next year. Pretty good financially with the type of job both I and my wife have, so we are lucky in that regard. My fall hunts are still on schedule for now. If we get checks like Washington is talking, I just thought about giving mine to my barber and the salon my wife goes to. They aren't getting any business, and will probably be shut down before all is said and done.
I wish I would have taken a screen cap of the voting results when I posted this 11 days ago. I think it was 97% “not concerned.” My belief now is that there is no way this doesn’t have a huge impact on draw odds in states where the draw is still open. I could be wrong.
If you're inclined I'd say run it again from scratch at some point. I know it was right around your 97% number when it opened up. People kept wondering what kind of economic or social event might have a big impact on draws and out of state all appearances here it is all wrapped into one bad situation.
Even on draws that are closed there have to be more tags that will go un-hunted, or hunted less.
Axis deer hunts on Lana'i have been canceled :
  • DOFAW announces a 30-day pause for deer hunting season in the LānaʻiGame Management Area. Permits and reservations for deer hunts for March 21st, 22nd,28th, 29th and April 4th, 5th, 11th & 12th have been cancelled. Efforts are underway to notify hunters impacted by this cancellation.
  • Hawai ‘i island’s hunting tag requirements will be waived for the Spring Turkey and the Puuanhulu Archery season.
I have a flight to Kauai booked for upland bird hunt opener in November, and a flight booked for St. Paul Island Alaska in Dec for sea ducks. I plan on going but it could be out of my hands. I hope it's all over with by then.
I’m going to live my life as I normally would. This is nothing more than a media driven panic IMO. There have been at least 32 million confirmed flu illnesses from late 2019-2020 this year, 310,000 hospitalization, and 18,000 deaths and that’s just in the United States. They don’t crash the market or worry about travel every year due to that. Even if a vaccine were to come out for covid -19 only a percentage of people would bother to get it. Just go live life. Sorry for the rant.
I think you're wrong. Death rates are very high for elderly folks, especially folks like my 80 year old dad, who has a heart condition and asthma. So even if you're not scared, going about daily life like normal is putting others at higher risk. And not just folks who will get C19. If the number of severe cases gets high enough, it's going to affect everyone who needs medical attention, due to the strain on the healthcare system. Social distancing, to the extent that we are able to do that, is a good thing.

Personally, this might actually make it more likely that I'll hunt in the west next year. I hadn't planned on it, but we now have a bunch of credits with Southwest airlines, due to a cancelled spring break. We have to use them before January...
I think you're wrong. Death rates are very high for elderly folks, especially folks like my 80 year old dad, who has a heart condition and asthma. So even if you're not scared, going about daily life like normal is putting others at higher risk. And not just folks who will get C19. If the number of severe cases gets high enough, it's going to affect everyone who needs medical attention, due to the strain on the healthcare system. Social distancing, to the extent that we are able to do that, is a good thing.

Personally, this might actually make it more likely that I'll hunt in the west next year. I hadn't planned on it, but we now have a bunch of credits with Southwest airlines, due to a cancelled spring break. We have to use them before January...
A lot has changed in the past 12 days since I made that post. I am still planning to go on my hunting trips but I am currently practicing social distancing just like everyone else should be. I too have elderly family that I am not going to be anywhere near. I also have very young kids who I don’t want to bring troubles to. I still feel the flu is a serious detriment that no one pays attention to and am still frustrated about the panic being induced due to this. By no means am I trying to be part of the problem and add to the pandemic though.
The rapid change over the last week has been crazy. I live in the West, so going West is not a problem. I don't think this will impact my hunts this year, but never would've guessed we be where we are today as of 10 days ago. The NBA shutting down felt like the tipping point to me, lots of dominoes falling after that.
A lot has changed in the past 12 days since I made that post. I am still planning to go on my hunting trips but I am currently practicing social distancing just like everyone else should be. I too have elderly family that I am not going to be anywhere near. I also have very young kids who I don’t want to bring troubles to. I still feel the flu is a serious detriment that no one pays attention to and am still frustrated about the panic being induced due to this. By no means am I trying to be part of the problem and add to the pandemic though.
Hmmm. so you're not going to live your life as you normally would?
Funny who opinions change after things starting a little closer to home. Hopefully more people will see things for what they are now, as you did. Stay safe for the upcoming hunting seasons this fall.
The real eye opener for the is the Bristol race was cancelled. I'm pretty sure the world's gonna end. I'm prepping🧻🔫🧻

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