PEAX Equipment

Will market volatility and or heath concerns with the virus influence your western hunting plans

Will stock market volatility and the virus curb you from heading West to hunt?

  • To much financial risk and or health risk in traveling - not going this year

    Votes: 23 7.3%
  • Risky, will apply and decide later whether to go

    Votes: 60 19.0%
  • Not concerned, headed west with no changes planned

    Votes: 232 73.7%

  • Total voters
I just heard AZ is banning all out if state travels. so turn your tags back in! ;)
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I don't know... think of all the stops along the way, rest areas, gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, airports... Lots of random opportunities to contract something. Or you might be the one doing the infecting leaving a trail of corona virus in your wake (how's that for a plot twist?).

So you take road snacks in addition to your backcountry meals, and fill a couple drink coolers with water from a hose before you leave your house. Don’t go into a gas station.

I mean uh...better stay home.
I don't know... think of all the stops along the way, rest areas, gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, airports... Lots of random opportunities to contract something. Or you might be the one doing the infecting leaving a trail of corona virus in your wake (how's that for a plot twist?).

You can mitigate a good bit of the risk by minimizing contact, cleaning well, etc.
Unless they shut down interstate travel I will still plan on going to Wyoming. This could affect the Argentina dove trip, but I still haven’t made up my mind on that. If I don’t go there I will just pick up a tag in Colorado elk hunt.
Better change your UT apps to points only. You can still modify(to point I think).
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Quite possibly a season for replacement hunts to be negotiated....harsh, I realize, but still a pragmatic possibility for NR's.
I’m hoping all this blows over or slows down by the time December gets here but I just saw Argentina put a 14 day Quarantine on all arriving travelers from the US along with the shortlist of other countries.
That would Definitely cancel all my plans of going there.
What I really want to know is how much the CO elk draw odds will be impacted :) should I aim for a 2019 5 point unit with 4 points :) only half joking.
Its THE thing I look forward to the most...the only thing that would anchor me would be my health or the health of dear family/friends. That aside I dont care what I have to do - whatever it is, I'll do it.
I am funded for the worst case scenario just hoping I pull the tag in May, these gas prices sure are attractive
My biggest expenses are child care and health care if I loose my job I’m a stay at home dad do odd jobs on the weekends. Not to worried about the economy I made it threw the last one. I bought my house in the bottom so if it goes lower than I bought then you better have bullets because it’s going down. Yes I stocked up for the ride but most was for planting here in a couple weeks for gardening. Biggest potato patch I’ll ever have.
The virus will mostly be gone by hunting season. Unfortunately the loss of jobs/wages and recession won’t be.
Maybe with all this time off people are fine tuning their app strategies and researching how the draws work...
As long as there are no interstate travel restrictions, I’m fine. No other apps this year, as our budget will tighten considerably over the next few months. Fortunately, we have a very modest lifestyle and should be able to weather things.
Without a doubt - there will be less people in the hills this fall. Draw odds will improve. Guys won’t be putting in for 6-7+ states anymore. A lot of people will be affected financially by this in some way, shape or form.
I don’t believe that . Lots of application deadlines have already passed . It’ll be same number of apps for most western states as usual

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