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Will market volatility and or heath concerns with the virus influence your western hunting plans

Will stock market volatility and the virus curb you from heading West to hunt?

  • To much financial risk and or health risk in traveling - not going this year

    Votes: 23 7.3%
  • Risky, will apply and decide later whether to go

    Votes: 60 19.0%
  • Not concerned, headed west with no changes planned

    Votes: 232 73.7%

  • Total voters
Should I be buying my bear tag tonight?
Got me. I will warn that some county sheriffs are getting aggressive regarding the stay at home rule. There’s a disconnect between IDFG saying recreate and the stay at home order.
Got me. I will warn that some county sheriffs are getting aggressive regarding the stay at home rule. There’s a disconnect between IDFG saying recreate and the stay at home order.
I meant it somewhat in jest. I hope they do enforce it. I see too many folks being cavalier about it. Im still thinking there is a decent chance of spring bear hunting. If not, it’s a 25 dollar tag and I’ll try to fill it in September.
Wisconsin hunting, fishing, public lands remain open. Per the WDNR:
"There are a series of fake social media posts circulating that suggest that various hunting and fishing seasons are canceled or postponed this year. This is not true!

Wisconsin DNR has not suspended, altered or changed any hunting, fishing, or trapping seasons or regulations in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. We are continuing to receive up-to-date information. Should there be any changes, we will get word out immediately via DNR social media as well as at dnr.wi.gov.

Please do your part to stop the spread of false information: use trusted sources to get your facts. We here at Wisconsin DNR are your trusted source for all things related to hunting, fishing, and trapping in the state. Help us spread the word by correcting posts you see stating false information.

And if you head out to enjoy the outdoors, please remember that distance is key during this public health emergency. Under the Safer at Home order, we must do all that we can to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Staying home as much as possible and limiting travel to your community is the best way to lower COVID-19 infection rates."

I have no plans to hunt out west this year, but was planning on fishing and camping in the Gallatin NF this summer. No sure if I will be going or not. I am not worried about myself, although am worried about my dad. He owns an auto repair station and are open and busy now, but it would be really tough if he had to shut down for a period of time.
I’m far more concerned about the human reaction to this than I am about the virus. That said, September is a long way away, and I think it’s going to take an awful lot of bad to keep people panicked for that long.
Pretty much. I was curious if they were going to make a call re: fall, but not for now.

I am interested to see what WY does for the shed opener on 5/1, which brings WAY more traffic than spring tags, at least on this half of the state.
Somewhat tangential, but it’s an effect: Don’t bother trying to send in routine maintenance to Swaro right now. I have an eyepiece that needs attention but their shop services are mostly not available due to shutdowns.
I'm already making plans to do most of my hunting at home this fall. New Mexico and Montana apps are already in, so too late there. I'm hoping I don't draw in either state to be honest.

Let’s hope the experts are wrong again otherwise some of these predicted dates could have major implications for fall Colorado hunts.

my colorado apps are in, hopefully they don't restrict residents from doing their thing

those model results definitely paint a bleak picture for freedom in the fall and I think it' safe to assume many states will be painting similar pictures

still haven't done my wyoming apps, wondering if i should bother. but i will bother, if i can go, i want my tags, if i can't go i'm sure i'll get the money back