Will market volatility and or heath concerns with the virus influence your western hunting plans

Will stock market volatility and the virus curb you from heading West to hunt?

  • To much financial risk and or health risk in traveling - not going this year

    Votes: 23 7.3%
  • Risky, will apply and decide later whether to go

    Votes: 60 19.0%
  • Not concerned, headed west with no changes planned

    Votes: 232 73.7%

  • Total voters
Not completely relevant, but since the topic of areas being closed came up yesterday...

This closures are completely BS. All of the various bans so far have include walking/hiking/ etc as essential activities and have left public lands open for access.

This is a ridiculous overstep by the county sheriff, we need leadership from our Governor to keep these shelter order standardized.
Spring bear hunts are getting axed left and right up here. Non-essential travel is prohibited. This might be the year I go Stone sheep hunting and drive across the border. The Alaska/Canadian border is still open as of now... I might have enough left in my 401k to pay for a 50-70% off hunt. The canadian dollar is dropping. 1.4:1 now.

Lots of things can happen in the next couple months.
It wont affect my my hunts, probably do more this year than ever. It has caused some relationship issues with my wife though, she works in heath care as a RN and looks at this debockle differently than I do.
Not completely relevant, but since the topic of areas being closed came up yesterday...

I don't think it will take but a handful of these to start a domino effect, where less options leads to concern about crowding in the options that remain. I would put money on it.
Then you start thinking about re-opening dates, which no one knows...and that's all aside from the economic fallout.
The morons over here are closing the boat launches for some reason noone can understand.
Where ? Minnesota ? Up at lake of the woods they shut Ramps to Rainy River down because if the Virus spread to little towns in northern Minnesota it would be catastrophic to those small towns they don’t have the medical systems to deal with it and they are all towns with a high amount of elderly folks who are at highest risk . And if people are too stupid to figure that out then I don’t know what direction to point them . Also - the governor basically just shut MN down
I don't think it will take but a handful of these to start a domino effect, where less options leads to concern about crowding in the options that remain. I would put money on it.

That is exactly my worry. Figured Moab would be a shit show with all the ski areas closing... this seems like a similar problem.

Vail just announced no uphill travel on the mtn... what a bone head move. If anything towns need to get on the other side of this and start dispersing people by opening up areas for recreation.

Spread people out.
i live in maine and i have a bar/restaurant that was cruising along until we were ordered to be closed 3/17. i have to borrow to keep me going bc im building a second bar and paying huge rents with no income if i have to borrow 4-5k extra to go hunt the three tags im super likely to draw this fall. then that’s what i’m doing if the economy goes to hell and stays there it won’t be that 5k that sunk me anyway.
The last thing on my mind at the moment is friggin hunting and money!
115 people died Thursday, 181 yesterday, god knows what it will be today.
I just hope we make it through this alive.
If you are truly upset by those numbers don’t ever look at overdoses,vehicle accidents,suicide, heart disease, cancer, falls, or really any other cause of death.
The only thing that will affect my hunting this year is the real possibility of public lands being shut down. I drew a very coveted spring bear tag here in Washington and it's looking more and more like government land shut downs here may keep me from using my tag:(

Keeping a positive attitude, planning daily and gettin ready but I give it a 50/50 chance at the rate things are currently going. Wonder if the State Fish and wildlife would refund or at very least credit points back if the COVID-19 has public lands closed down???? :unsure:
The only thing that will affect my hunting this year is the real possibility of public lands being shut down. I drew a very coveted spring bear tag here in Washington and it's looking more and more like government land shut downs here may keep me from using my tag:(

Keeping a positive attitude, planning daily and gettin ready but I give it a 50/50 chance at the rate things are currently going. Wonder if the State Fish and wildlife would refund or at very least credit points back if the COVID-19 has public lands closed down???? :unsure:

If covid-19 shuts public lands down, I don’t want a refund, I want a tag next year.
Draw odds will improve a little. Economic impact is going to be huge for many folks. States that have their draws later like Wyoming and Colorado will be affected. Places like Utah will not be affected at least for applicants. I was going to apply in N Mexico but decided not too because of the low cdn dollar the week of the draw and uncertainty about length of time this pandemic will be impacting travel. Heck, crossing the border right now is not allowed.

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