Will Coogin's back...

Shoots, while I don't disaree, you aren't going to see politicians of either form in the national forests sharing the lifestyle we enjoy. It is not what they value, they are just voting based off of the desires of those lining their pockets. There are certainly virtuous politicians out there, but they are mostly at the state level and the few at the national level are marginalized by the special interests from both sides. I am certain that 95% of democrat and replublican politicians could not care less about our ability to hunt on public ground.

Martin Heinrich, Democratic Senator from New Mexico is an avowed public land hunter. He's arguably the best voice for sportsmen in all of Congress.

But that's one of 535. We need more Martin Heinrichs and a lot less Ted Cruz's.
Martin Heinrich, Democratic Senator from New Mexico is an avowed public land hunter. He's arguably the best voice for sportsmen in all of Congress.

But that's one of 535. We need more Martin Heinrichs and a lot less Ted Cruz's.


While I have my differences with my Senator at times on issues and we have discussed them in person on the rare occation we were at same meeting.Local deal. Parking lot chat.
He impressed me by not being a fake hunter.That's what we disscussed,hunting in general.Like a normal guy would,not some fake photo op politician we see so often.
We've even hunted the same units , so when he mentioned a spot not well known I knew he had done some poking around there.
I just hope politicians like him of both parties start seeing the big picture again and not wind up dissappointing us like so many do.
A faint hope that self centered corruption has not taken over everyone in every walk of life. Slim chance?
ThinkProgress just did another overview article on the goings on with Berman/Coogin in this latest wave.

How The Oil Industry’s ‘Dr. Evil’ Is Running A Campaign To Sell Off America’s Public Lands

... The Hill also reported last week that presidential candidate Ted Cruz, who has previously introduced proposals to force the federal government to sell public lands, “is making a play for the West in the 2016 race by touting his opposition to the federal government’s expansive land holdings.”

Despite Cruz’s strategic play, bipartisan public opinion research has shown that the majority of Western voters, from all political parties, oppose state efforts to seize and sell off public lands. The polling also shows that Western voters believe that transferring control of lands to state governments would result in the lands being opened up for increased drilling, mining and logging; would reduce access for recreation; and would create a high risk of lands being sold off and state taxes being raised to cover the extreme costs of management.

In the op-eds, the Environmental Policy Alliance criticized sportsmen’s groups that oppose right-wing land grabs for taking “out-of-state money” to “camouflage” their efforts.

“These groups claim to represent sportsmen when discussing land use, energy and other policy issues,” the op-ed in the Deseret News reads. “But they really ought to be called ‘Green Decoys.'”

None of the publications note that the Environmental Policy Alliance is a front group for Berman and his clients or that the op-ed’s author, Will Coggin, is himself “out-of-state.”

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