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Wife's Shotgun Broke (advice on a replacement)

Not 100% sure if they make a youth stock but the Stroger overunders are freakin fantastic. My dad bought one 20 years ago and I would rabbit hunt with it all the time, easy to aim. But generally I use my 20g pump for just about anything. My rem 1100 mostly sits and looks pretty in the safe while the mossburg 500 20g pump gets all the work. I see that you had mechanical issues with your wifes so I would suggest a mossburg for pure reliability. I have beat the piss out of that thing since I was a kid and it has been a great gun. They are also cheap and plentiful.

I agree on the Mossberg personally (or an 870 with a Heads Up stock), but I can't convince my wife that a pump would be a good fit for her. I get it, it'd be like me trying to run a semi-auto, I can do it, but it's just not a great fit for my mentality.

my god, i'm not even on the same planet lol

As to that, I kinda married out of my league, but don't let her know that; it's worked out well for 14 years. My gear tends to be mid-level on price, but the older I get the more I understand getting the best gear you can afford when you can. That way you do end up spending less than if you are constantly swapping stuff out for the next-best model. To each their own though, and sometimes there is value in just getting something to get started with. That's why we set her up with the best in class that we could get for her right off the bat, it just made sense for her not to take the roudabout/expensive path I did.
I didn't mean to diminish your choice by any means....My apologies if i came across that way.

I know several poverty level individuals that had a cabinet full of $500 guns and could stand to sell off 5 or 6 of them to master one.

Looking forward to seeing the Syren in action.
I didn't mean to diminish your choice by any means....My apologies if i came across that way.

I know several poverty level individuals that had a cabinet full of $500 guns and could stand to sell off 5 or 6 of them to master one.

I remember when I bought my first "nice" gun. It is now my "mudder" and backup and loaner.

Oh what a fun slide it has been down that slippery slope, once I launched. :)
I didn't mean to diminish your choice by any means....My apologies if i came across that way.

I know several poverty level individuals that had a cabinet full of $500 guns and could stand to sell off 5 or 6 of them to master one.

Looking forward to seeing the Syren in action.

Wasn't offended at all. Just explaining my reasoning. I agree with the idea of having less guns, but better ones that you understand. Personally, I have 1 shotgun, 1 centerfire rifle, and 1 22lr (we won't go into my air rifles....there is a bit more redundancy there). My wife is doing the same, 3 guns and you can pretty much hunt anything in North America. Given that they are likely to lifetime guns, it just makes sense to pony up now (I did not start that way, I had way too many rifles, and I ended up trading them all so I could get a single rifle I actually like).

As I said, looking forward to seeing this thing in action. Too bad rabbit populations are doing poorly right now, it'd be a great way to get the thing in the field before the larger bulk of hunting season.
Picked up the Syren today. While she has not been able to fire it just yet, it lines up perfectly and her form has improved to a remarkable degree. The fit and finish on the gun is what you would expect at the price point, it actually looks better in person than the pictures on the site. All the awkwardness from trying to make a cut down shotgun just went away. I'll be honest....I have a bit of shotgun envy right now.

When we bust some clays or take it into the field I'll try and lend an update.
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