PEAX Equipment

Wifes ewe story


Well-known member
May 26, 2015
My wife didn't burn any of her "luck" in the marriage department so she cashes it in for tags.
She drew a ewe tag for the first year it was offered in the unit.
Before the hunt we spent a hot summers day helping with a couple guzzlers to just do a good deed and also learn a bit about the mountain range.

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We pumped some water into the guzzlers and built some aprons to help collect more rainwater if it ever comes.
The sheep sure were eager for a drink. Can't blame them since it was 100 degrees out there that day.
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Opening morning of her hunt found us attending separate soccer games for the kids at the same time. But at least everyone was done by noon and we were headed out soon after.
After talking to a few fellow hunters who were successful on the drive in we started to glass for her. It was hot and a bit smoky but we turned up a sheep and wanting a break from the truck seats we grabbed our packs and headed up. It was basically straight up and ended up in a couple semi technical spots. After a crumbling rock almost sent her off a 15' cliff and a few cuts to the hand we determined that one gave us the slip.
We hightailed it back to the truck to cover some more ground before dark.
She glassed a herd up from the truck after trying a few other spots. She was given the option of we go now or wait until morning due to fading light. Without a hesitation it was time to go now.
So we grabbed packs again and literally ran across the desert floor. (much more of a jogging shuffle in my case) As we crested the last ridge she had the bipod legs out and ready to go prone for the shot.
The first sheep we saw was a collared ewe so that was a no. Then a couple banana rams. Finally a young ewe shuffled around and presented a broadside shot. After confirming we had eyes on the same sheep I gave her the "it's up to you if you want it or not" She responded that she felt good with the rest and a second later, BOOM.
The herd ran off and she was talking herself into a miss. "I felt good but I think I missed"
I think we all have that self doubt if we don't see the animal go down.
With light fading we didn't wait long to go check.
We made it over and there she was. The ewe went 20 yards and the shot took out both lungs.
A few photos
Some sample collecting
Then we got it processed and in the game bags.
It was dark for the hike out but she wanted to carry it all. So her pack was loaded up and we were off. I at least got to carry her gun.
The quarters, backstraps, tenderloins, neck meat and misc are in the pack and the head in the loose bag.
Smaller than an antelope but still a good load.
We made it back to the truck and had everything on ice 2.5 hours after the shot.
We drove to a flat area, cooked up a quick dinner and laid the pads/bags in the bed of the pickup for a quick night of sleep before heading home.
She helped get it cut and wrapped on the kitchen table. We keep the front shoulders whole for the smoker. A salt brine and then a BBQ rub made the first one pretty darn good.
What a great hunt and if it wasn't already obvious I defiantly out kicked my coverage in the spouse department!
Thanks for reading.
CONGRATULATIONS to your wife. Very nice (-:

Did I miss the caliber and bullet used ? thank you !
Nice job. Looks like the new Utah hunt. If so, I put my wife and daughters in for this hunt but they weren't as lucky as your wife.
That's a great story tell her congrats and great work you guys put in on the guzzler project!
Great story, congrats to the Mrs and to you for scoring as well in the wife dept! I’ve got one of those myself that’s a keeper and then some 👍🏻🤣
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