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Wicked Weather

Like I said Before Everybody claimed it is Rain for 3-4 months strait... It has been more dry then wet.

I told WH we get rain In California but he did not believe me. Every year it seems we have rain and Houses usually get destroyed especially around the beach area and every year ppl are shocked. I can remember several mudslides on Highway 1 (runs along the beaches of Cali) and it is really no surprise!
Well heck Rick, what do you guys do to keep the riff-raff out then? ;) :D

I hate to tell y'all, but I think we at HuntTalk are the riff-raff. :D
Well, I love snow, but the 8 inches we got yesterday ruined any chances at finding fresh whitetail antlers! Oh well!

Its about 14 here this morn and I'm real happy with that, as 2 hours north in Kalispell its -23! Ouch.

NE, you cant complain, you HAVE to expect that chit over there!! (You in Glasgow? I forget.?)
OH yeah, ACon, we will need lots more snow and a bad spring to really mess with the wildlife. This cold doesn't bother them much, until it warms up good then freezes a crust over everything, thats what tears them up.

The deer and elk sure are alot more active now though. They have pruned the roses back nicely in the yard!
Yeah I am in Glasgow. When I got up and turned on the radio at 6 a.m. this morning the good news was that was only -29 the bad news was that the wind chill was -53.

It's been an awesome 48hr sleep on your feet event here at work. I work at a heavy truck dealership here in Lethbridge and we've had 11 froze up trucks come in on the big hook. 3 more still out on the highway waiting for the tow trucks. I can only say if you know any truckers heading to Canada tell them it's way cheaper to put fuel conditioner in the tank when they fuel up than the tow bill and service charge to thaw them out in the shop. 11 trucks so far and the averaged out tow charges per truck running at $575.00. It was -48 with the wind chill and by Tuesday we'll be at +52f when the chinook rolls in. If you don't like the weather here just wait a minute and it'll change.
Hey MO,

We are so poor and plead poverty down here so even the riff-raft don't come here. LOL
And Powderburn, if any of those trucks come from our place in Utah, please take it easy on the charges!!!! Like I said, we're so poor down here, that we can't even pay attention, let alone another $575 tow/repair bill.
I was talking to one of our drivers this afternoon and he said he was using more fuel conditioner, than fuel!!!!! He was headed to Winnipeg, and said it was colder than H**L....
I haven't heard any problems from our Alberta trucks, so we'll keep our fingers crossed!!!!
antlerrick we go easy on the truckers at our shop it's the tow truck outfits that are building their retirement packages. hump We're the good guys in our neck of the woods, couple jugs of conditioner, new filters and a couple hours in doors to loosen the trucks up. We don't charge more than an hour labour against the truck. You just gotta hand it to some of these guys on the road, the horse dies on them, they wait for hours to get helped out in sub-zero temps and then get eat'n by the owners and dispatchers. I'm at work right now 12:53am our time, minus 28 wind chill minus 40 and I got one being trailered in with a broken front spring that can't be towed. This guy called us at noon and this is the fastest we could get him in because of the work load on the tow company. I'll make sure the trucks inside drip drying and the drivers at the travel lodge before I'm on my way home only to return at 7:00am to start another day. :)
Hey Powderburn, You are absolutely right about the tow truck outfits making the $$$$$$$. You are pretty much at their mercy. I think the tow companies have a little monopoly going. Just to hook and and pull you far enough to get you moving when you get stuck is $250-300. With fuel prices the way they are, it makes it tough to make it in trucking.
We do appreciate guys like you that are very helpful and reasonable, but there are those who don't give a guff about the drivers. IT should be a "scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" type of deal. The way I look at it, without one, the other wouldn't be able to exist.
I can imagine your job gets pretty stressful when these types of weather situations happen. My hats off to you for helping the others in need way into the morning, and then getting back early and doing it again. That can make some very long hours for anyone.
Good luck with keeping everything thawed out. and we have our fingers crossed for warmer weather to head your way...
antlerrick this industry has kept my family of 6 for over 20yrs. Look at this temp jump over the next couple of days, 79 degrees. Brake out the BBQ mama.
Currently Observed on: 15 Jan. 2005 at 7:00 AM MST

Temp.: -27°F
Pressure: 30.8
Visibility: 15miles
Humidity: 61%
WindChill: -48
DewPoint: -36°F
Wind: WSW9
Max Temp. -11.6°F
Min Temp. -34.2°F
Precip. Total 0
Sunrise: 8:22
Sunset: 16:59
Moonrise: 11:15
Moonset: N/A

5 Day Forecast from Environment Canada
Saturday Saturday night Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Sunny Clear Becoming cloudy Sunny Cloudy Cloudy
Low -8°F Low 16°F Low 39°F Low 34°F
High -2°F High 16°F High 41°F High 46°F High 52°F
Been 80's here for several days but has turned off cold here now. Cold for coastal MS that is. In the 50's for day and high 30's to low 40's at night. Even though the Bible DOES say that in the end times God will bring on diverse weather and disasters in diverse places it also says that the rapture (end times) will come as a thief in the night, meaning that NO ONE knows the exact hour in which it will come. That is why the Bible also says to "ALWAYS BE READY" for the second coming of Jesus because "YA JUST NEVER KNOW" :D
Hey Powder,

Are those temp changes what you call jumping from the icebox and into the fire? That goes from dang cold to pretty mild for January.. Hope it happens..
and hope the BBQ goes
Whatcha cooking? Venison????