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Why I'm voting for Ralph

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
Ralph says, ""Our long-range goal is to break up the two parties," Nader said. "(The two-party system) is a menace and subversion of our democratic processes and it's basically sold our elections and our government to commercial interests."

That's exactly the way I feel about it. I've said the same think in prior posts here in SI. The only way out of this mess we're in is to encourage a strong third party.

The rest of you can argue about the GOP and the Dems, Kerry and Bush, but when you come right down to it there's not that much difference between the GOP and Dems anymore. They both spend $ like there's no tomorrow. The Republican's are just as bad as the Dems.

I'm tired of them saying , "Here's your two candidates to vote for. Choose one or the other." So I'm joining Ralph in trying to break up the two party system and add at least one more (preferably two or three). Anyone who's smart will join us.

Read more about Ralph here:
LMAO AK I was thinking the same thing.

I agree though we do need a third party, I just dont like the way people are going about in doing so.
they are wasting a vote when in fact they can be voting for someone who will be elected. why waste a vote and have someone you dont like possibly being in the whitehouse? when you could have voted for the one you want to win.

Ithaca your a pretty smart guy(even though I dont agree with ya on some things your very intelligent) I just cant see voting for a 3rd party when it just will never happen.(in this election)

for example

canadate a is someone who will run the country and keep it going

canadate b is a sell out and will tear this country apart.

your going to vote for canadate c even though he doesnt have a chance, matter of fact I hear he is not even on some ballots. so your going to help canadate b win, that just doesnt make sence to me.

Dont get me wrong I really do think they should have another party on the ballot. I think it would help or election system, but until that happens your going to pull votes from the person you would rather see win..

Geeze I hope I made sence on that one, I had a hard time coming up with the correct words to use.

Delw, there is another candidate on the ballot... I just got my absentee ballot and I think there were 5 presidential/VP candidates on it.
The idea is to do everything possible to encourage third party candidates by voting for them, even if they don't have a chance. If enough people do that the third party guys will start to see their chances getting better and will be more energized to organize and raise money. We're thinking long term here, not just about the current election.

I'm voting for every third party candidate in any race where my vote isn't going to make a difference------like this Presidential election in ID. If you're not in a swing state you might as well encourage third party candidates. I'm doing that in local elections too. We gotta start somewhere.

Besides, votes for third party candidates also send the message that we're not happy with the GOP and Dem candidates.

Of course, if you think Kerry and Dubya are the best two candidates for President you've ever seen then you should vote for one of them. My personal opinion is that they're the worst pair of candidates I've ever seen running for POTUS.
While I tend to strongly agree, the best time to get to work on a third party candidate is Nov. 3 2004. This thing is going to have to come from the REAL leaders of this Country You, Him, Her , and Me. It's gotta be grassroots as hell, no one can keep getting their message out for 4 years without word of mouth being the main point of contact. Plus, I do believe there are a couple of legal hurdles (or the hurdles have to be made against the status quo.)

I've been a long time supporter of breaking up the two party love-fest , but this time around I gotta support Bush, warts and all he's head and shoulders above Kerry.
While I agree in principle, Now is not the time.There is too much at stake with the war on terror and where we stand as a nation to let a low life appeaser and gutless bastard like Kerry become the "leader" who takes this country down the tubes!
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