Why do we do all this anyway?

Ben Long

Well-known member
Aug 8, 2011
Kalispell, MT
I thought some of you might enjoy this essay I recently published on The MeatEater website. Feel free to comment and share the link if you wish. But while we are on the topic, what motivates you to get up after 'em, even when its cold, dark and wet?
I like torturing myself! There is something to be said when you are part of a small group that harvests their own food and then and even smaller group that will suffer through the worst conditions and situations to accomplish a goal.

Why do I hunt a 10 mile deep, zero water, cow hunt, solo?

Because I can!
Great article Ben, I responded the first time before reading. After reading I find myself in all of the groups at different times.
Meat. And it's something to keep me busy while waiting for ski season. It's definitely a love/hate relationship for me.
In the firearms safety classes that I used to teach, there were 5 stages of a hunter. If I remember correctly, it was Shooting something/anything/everything, Limiting, Trophy, Method, and Enjoying Nature. Somewhat similar. I think most hunters are in multiple stages at any one time and can be in different stages a minute later. A different species brings it owns stages.

It sure can be hard to put into words, but anytime I am out hunting there is something about it that I really enjoy. The quarry. The experience. Nature for sure. Just being there.

If it is special for you, are you passing on the love of hunting?

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