Why are some new guns sohard to find


New member
Feb 18, 2014
I have been looking for months at all the gun shops around me with in 150 miles for a Marlin XT in 17 hMR with laminate stockheavy barrel and never see any.I can order online but prefer to see what I am buying.Bought my wife one of these rifles last year and it is very accurate.Thatis the last one I have seen on the shelf. I bought the same gun in 22 mag but just not as accurate as the 17. Still looking.I have had one on order sinse early January but so far nothing.
As much as anything... It may be personal biases of the gun buyers/owners of your local gun shops. I spent several years working behind the gun counter at a local sporting goods store. We provided customer requests every week to our buyers, most of which were totally disregarded. They buy based on where their allegiances lie. If they like savage rimfires more than marlin, they are going to stock savage rimfires... If they think the .17hmr is over rated, they will stock more .22wmr... Personal biases are one of the main purchasing factors in hunting equipment...

You might inquire about special order policies and if their distributors have that Marlin in stock. If the distributors have them in stock; but they are not on the shelf, I wouldn't expect to see them on the shelf in that gun store.
If you know what make and model you want, just pay the extra few bucks for an FFL transfer and buy it online from a dealer. Many have a non-firing 3-day inspection.
Personal biase of the shop does have a lot to do with it. Shop size dictates what suppliers they use and whether those suppliers carry the model. Also, popularity determines how many the manufactor makes and which areas they go. You may not be able to get your hands on the exact gun, rather look at parts of it from other available guns. Then special order it, but most shops will keep the deposit if you don't take it.