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Who's ready to ski!

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oh good idea. never thought to drive for 4-8 hours for a day of skiing. another $1-$2k on lodging ain't no big deal to make the drive worth it so you can hopefully pull off a full day of skiing

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I’m sorry you have to live on the wrong side of the Great Divide. Powderhorn had 24” new Sunday, 35 minute no traffic drive, an early season pass is $375
We've got 3 days in so far. Kids are in the 'All-mountain' program - which is pretty good at LT. Looking forward to Saturday, snow should be much better with 11-26" forecast for the week.
Skiing is a ridiculous amount of fun. I find it quite amusing when certain celebrity hunter types get worked up about not being a true sportsman if you ski instead of sit on the ice and freeze (I enjoy ice fishing too, but explaining why it is fun is far more difficult than explaining why skiing is fun). It's another way to enjoy mountains, fresh air, good beer, good friends, exercise, spills and thrills.

I also find the money conversation to be misleading and disingenuous. Like hunting and fishing, skiing is as expensive or cheap as you choose to make it. If you have lots of friends who ski, your own equipment, and you car pool, it becomes far more cost effective.

It's like chocolate ice cream; you don't have to like it. But that's a you problem, and you look pretty silly telling others off if they do.

I don’t typically get out more than 1-2 times a year anymore. It’s just too expensive for the low level skiing I can manage after I destroyed my knee :/

Still, skipping work to go up to Hoodoo this Thursday!
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I have lived just a short drive from major ski areas my entire life. Never been on a pair of downhill skis or a board. Refuse to stand in lines and crowds. And now the costs my friends pay are ridiculous.
Reminds me of a day I skied at Big Mountain in the 90's. The wind was howling and the windchill on the summit was -63. With the blowing snow, there was almost no depth perception. Lots of surprise bumps on the way down and frozen everything on the way up...

We're supposed to get 50+mph winds tonight, with some snow and rain. Chances of losing power are... I'd say, about 110%
I’m sorry you have to live on the wrong side of the Great Divide. Powderhorn had 24” new Sunday, 35 minute no traffic drive, an early season pass is $375

Me too man. Me too. My wife will only agree to Fraser or steamboat. Both would be remarkable in my book.

But odds are still very low in reality for either. In the short term at least.
Well I don’t know about that lol, there’s lots of people I wish well for and don’t care to see again. 🙂
Truth be told, I missed what you meant, thought you might have been happy to get out of Douglas, WY and was cracking a stupid joke since my name is…. I’m a little slow some days…😅🍻
Went snowboarding today for the first time this year. Something to do to make winter go by. With each passing year, my desire to become a snowbird grows though. Probably in 8-10 years when my daughter graduates it will happen.
Broke my leg when I was 5 skiing.
55 years years later still skiing.
Oops forgot about the yard sale in '87 resulting in broken Fibula. Picked up Telemark in '90.
Still hammering ( ish)dropping a knee.
Disposable income? Ha.

Waiting for a decent base this year.

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