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Who’s building arrows yet?


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2019
I spent the day yesterday putting some arrows together for the fall. I went with victory RIPs and 70 grain ethics inserts. I had several different colors of wraps and vanes and couldn’t decide what color combo to go with and ended up with a hodge-podge of arrows. Went with 4 fletch, not sure if that makes much of a difference but I liked the look. They came out around 490ish grains and all spun well with a broadhead except one that was very wonky. If your thinking about getting a bitzenberger jig , do it. What a difference that thing makes compared to an El-cheapo jig. Looking forward to the fall, who else is knocking the dust off of their toys?B6D94486-B8A5-45C8-83EC-F60713036693.jpeg
My black eagle deep impacts arrived this week. I'll start building and nock tuning them when I get from vacation.
Shot the victory vforce last year. Cheap arrow but seemed to do well enough for me. I am down to 4 though so probably need to get on this. Thanks for the motivation!
Received some new Victory RIP TKO shafts last week. All the components are on the bench, just need to find the time to deck them out. Like your orange (I think it orange) and green combo. Yes, the Bitzenberger makes a real difference for me. Normally go with an offset 4-fletch, but just picked up a helical offset and may try that in 3- or 4-fletch.
Received some new Victory RIP TKO shafts last week. All the components are on the bench, just need to find the time to deck them out. Like your orange (I think it orange) and green combo. Yes, the Bitzenberger makes a real difference for me. Normally go with an offset 4-fletch, but just picked up a helical offset and may try that in 3- or 4-fletch.
I tried to go extra high vis with them this year. I lost an arrow with a broadhead while packing out last year and had a hard time finding it. Decided to make them a little easier to spot. I used a right helical with a little offset.
I might throw some together in September or early October. The more I use my Bitz, the less I like it.
Pretty close to my set up,
RIP TKO 300 shafts
75gr insert/ outsert (victory taperlock)
150gr VPA 3 blade
4 fletch Bohning Heat vanes.
505gr total weight.

I used Ethics for the last 3 yrs, decided to try the Victory inserts since they came with the shafts.
They were 50gr so I made my own thread in weights since I knew how those arrows tune already. They seemed a little easier to index than the Ethics inserts. We will see how they hold up.
I’ve built arrows a long time. All tapered cedar nowadays but I’ve made plenty of carbon, aluminum in the past.
One thing I enjoy is splicing feathers on em. It can be practicable also. If I use say blue and chartreuse on one, the next gets chartreuse and blue. If I use two somewhere I know which was which shot. You can mix it up further. Hey to simplify you could sharpie shaft w numbers as well. The bitzenberger advice is good it’s all I’ve used since the 80s.
When I make arrows however I don’t sit there and make up a batch for fall say.
I’ll stain and finish the dozen just in pieces of time I have and once it comes time to glue feathers I’ll do it between whatever else I’m doing so a feather goes on every 15 mins of more. Totally dry before I move clamp. A day or so they’re all done. Think too many issues occur when feathers are removed too quickly but I know lots of guys do that.
I use full length feathers and on top of splicing getting them to size and shape I find enjoyable.. Another aspect to it is dipping, cresting, even a simple wrap adds more of us into the arrow. First deer taken with one you made yourself is a great event. Good luck with em
Pretty close to my set up,
RIP TKO 300 shafts
75gr insert/ outsert (victory taperlock)
150gr VPA 3 blade
4 fletch Bohning Heat vanes.
505gr total weight.

I used Ethics for the last 3 yrs, decided to try the Victory inserts since they came with the shafts.
They were 50gr so I made my own thread in weights since I knew how those arrows tune already. They seemed a little easier to index than the Ethics inserts. We will see how they hold up.
That’s almost exactly my set up, I’m shooting a 125 grn VPA 3 blade. I’m hoping they tune alright but I may have to bump my draw weight up to 70. The OT2 tool put my set up just slightly stiff.
Another Blitzenburger fan here as well. I bought mine in 97 I think and haven't bought a store bought completed arrow since. My favorite set up is two white vanes and a flourescent yellow @#)(# feather on top of a white crest. Even in the early morning you can see the yellow so you can load your bow and with the white crest/white feathers, it makes watching impact very easy.

I love rolling my own. We recently moved and I found two dozen cedar shafts from the late nineties. Now I am going to have to dust off the Martin Dreamcatcher and throw some logs!!
So I decided to try the new Nexxus infinity arrows in a 300 spine, after I could not get my hands on the Axis 4mm that I really wanted. To say I am disappointed would be putting it mildly. The nocks have been loosing their shape rapidly and the tolerances on the half-out inserts must be pretty loose because I can install some with no issue and others won't make it into the shaft until I take some emery cloth to them. The shaft themselves seem fine, spin tested well and have been keeping their shape, no splitting or things like that from repeat shooting. The logo is painted or printed on and rubs off readily, not a big deal but to me demonstrates a lack of effort put into the final product. They were not the most expensive shaft/components but I expected more for what I paid, will be getting the Axis as soon as I can find someone who has them in stock.

On jigs, Bitzenburgers are awesome no doubt but if you are feeling lazy try an EZ fletch, what a time saver for grouse arrows haha!
9FECBD3E-E244-48CD-ADC7-3B0FFC63D03F.jpegFinally got around to shooting these, they flew great... once. Last year I used super glue gel for inserts, no problems. This year I bought AAE epoxy. Lost 4 of 5 ethics inserts on the first shot. The 5th eventually came loose as well. Very disappointing, back to super glue.
Bitzenberger shows up tomorrow. Unfortunately arrows were on backorder after they listed in-stock when I put them in my cart. I will have fletcher and feathers, but no arrows.:cry:
View attachment 186574Finally got around to shooting these, they flew great... once. Last year I used super glue gel for inserts, no problems. This year I bought AAE epoxy. Lost 4 of 5 ethics inserts on the first shot. The 5th eventually came loose as well. Very disappointing, back to super glue.
I've been using G5 Blu Glu for inserts and vanes. Great success.
Are you sanding the inside of the shafts first before gluing in the inserts?

I'm in the middle of building some FMJ 300's that will be around 525 grains all finished up!
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