Who's Been To Jail?

I didn't take a picture but somebody did. We put "Bob's Big Boy" on the roof of the science building looking down on the main walkway. You couldn't miss it. We made the yearbook with that one! LOL!
Gimme a high-five, John! We put "Papa Burger" on the roof overlooking the glass lobby. Next morning when everyone came to school, there was Papa with a burger, a mug-o-rootbeer, and a cheeseburger smile! Made the yearbook...and is still listed as the best senior class practical joke of all times pulled in this little one horse town. Actually, the chief of police was wise to us being up to something, but simply observed and made sure we didn't go over the line. He was a wonderful ol' guy....sorry to say he has passed on.

He didn't consider that over the line?!? You guys are a hoot. I think Boys and Girls clubs must have been INVENTED just to deal with kids like you.
Honestly, Mojave...if Mr. Smith caught us with booze...he'd stand there and make us open every one of them and pour it down the storm-drain rather than cuff us and throw us in jail. He said that it made a bigger impression to make us waste what we were craving.
Most of the kids my age group idolized Mr. Smith and knew if we screwed up too bad, we'd have to deal with him sooner or later. He was the type of person who could make you feel really guilty without saying a word. He bore a close resemblance to Norman Schwartzkopf...

They invented "Boy's and Girl's Clubs" when Mr. Smith and others like him were deemed "politically incorrect" and replaced by young cops who are only there for the paycheck and wouldn't think of being a big brother/father figure to a bunch of punk kids.

Sounds like a good guy. I'm guessing there are still one or two good cops like that out there. You are right though, the PC world we live in probably makes it tough on them.
Yes, Mo...the PC world we live in makes it very difficult. My oldest brother's two sons are cops in the Nashville, TN region. The oldest son arrested a woman for possession of illegal drugs. She was high as a kite on something, uncooperative, and difficult to subdue and control. In the course of making the arrest, she bit him and drew blood. Would you believe they had to obtain a court order to make her submit to a blood test for HIV so he could have peace of mind? He was on needles and pins until the results came back negative.

I remember some of the stuff Dad had to go through as a cop when he was alive...that was 34+ years ago...I wouldn't want to be a cop in today's world.

Yeah, I sure miss the old days.

I got caught one time driving down Hawthorne Blvd in my old 71 Mercury Monterey station wagon doing about 80 with a buddy hanging of to the luggage rack laying on top of the roof and another guy sitting on the passenger window frame hanging on also!

The guy on top says tell the cop I was taking down the CB antenna and the other guys says yeah tell him that! Only problem was I DIDN'T have a CB!

The cop pulls us all asside and gets a few crazy stories from my friends and then he asks "alright dumbass, what's the real story" when he comes to me.

I just smiled and told him the truth. He laughed and told me to get on my way and keep the other dumbasses inside the car! He said that he got busted drag racing when he was a kid it wasn't any fun. After a good lecture with some tough guy looks at the other two, he let us go!

Man if that would have happened today..... and if I caught my son doing this....... :mad: :mad:

Those were the good ol days. Sometimes I'm amazed that I'm still alive after some of the bonehead things I've done as a teanager!
Are we talkin Jail Time? Brig time? I spent 28 days in the brig, charged originally with mutiny. Ultimately charges were reduced, and after appeal, dropped. Still did the time though.

USN 1972-1983

We had a town cop that ran Duvall Washington. He was another good one, kids get into trouble, instead of running them in, he would have them doing community service. If there was some one around with a small warrent, he did the math in his head and let them run. It wasn't worth hauling them all the way to Seattle to face what ever it was. Then a new batch of by the book rookies were hired on, this guy ended up being roasted over the coals and to keep his job, had to go back to school to learn what and how "Good Cops" are supposed to treat every one with out using better judgement to handle a situation....
I really dislike most kids now day's that get out of school and put into a position of authority. They can't see the big picture yet because of youth and end up making stupid decisions because they have to follow the letter of the law... on what ever the subject is they have just studied...
Funny that you mention that, Russ. Mr. Smith caught me and my cousin laying rubber around the corner on Main Street. He orange coned that corner off, gave Kenny and I a bucket and scrub brushes, told us to get some soap and water from the gas station and scrub up the black marks. ;)

Another time he caught us setting beer and pop cans on the white lane dividers down Main Street...this time he brought out push brooms and made us sweep the downtown portion of Main Street (about 4 blocks long), this time his own kid was in on that prank. :D

There were many times as a kid, I came close to getting thrown in the slammer...but due to a good natured cop with a sense of humor, I learned an important lesson instead. His theory, "If I run you in, it will just p*ss you off and cost your Ma money that she can't spare. This way, you will remember this little incident."

My most recent encounter with a cop...a couple of summers ago, I helped my nephew build a storage building on his property. When I came home that night, I had a compressor and heavy tool box in the back of the truck, causing it to squat a bit. A young punk cop (young enough to be my son) whipped into the driveway and accused me of driving through town with my high-beams on. I was polite. He was rude, surly, and narrow-minded...I ended up calling the new chief of police at home to get this one straightened out. This kid was a real jackass. Don't think he worked for them very long.

I see this in more than just cops. Kids come into a little power and don't know how to handle it, so it goes to their heads and they make big issues out of nothing... LOL.. I see a lot of that on this SI section.
Then the only way they can counter any thing because they are so shallow is by name calling and talking behind others backs.
Then when they do get stomped on, they run around and whine about it... ;)
Good story though Thanks...

I do know that I helped play a part in two incidents that happened when I was going to school.
It had to do with putting the rival schools Viking boat in the slew out by Bothell Wa one year and onother filling it up with rotten fish on a hot four day holiday. I still bet that was a big surprise when every one came back to school to the rich aroma of almost a ton of decaying fish in their beloved mascot... :eek: :D
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