Who uses bino lens covers inside their carrying case


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2011
This may be a dumb question, but I just bought some high end rangefinding binoculars and was wondering if anyone keeps the lens covers on while inside the carrying case. I have a badlands bino case which I have kept my current leupolds in for years without any scratches or issues. I like simplicity and quickness of not having lens covers on and feel the case does a good enough job of protection. But considering the new binoculars cost about five times more than my current ones, I was curious if anyone keeps the lens covers on inside their case as added security. Thanks
I used them inside my case for 1 day on an arizoba hunt and ditched them. 2 seasons now and no scratches or blemishes.
I use the covers on my Vipers. I keep the flap closed while storing or walking in thick brush, but keep the flap open with the covers on for general walking around to keep the AZ dust of the glass, but less movement and noise if I need to shuck them in a hurry
nope, swaro els and kuiu bino harness. makes no sense that I can see to use the lens covers. I tried, for a day or two like any normal person would after dropping that kinda of cash on binos but lens covers not needs. I DO keep a lens brush in aside pouch on the bino harness and use quite a bit when hunting and collecting leaf litter and dust.
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I don't. Too many things to dicker. Then again, by bino's weren't in the "expensive" category when I bought them 20yrs ago...
i keep them on when i am traveling or storing them...when i hunt i take them off. The case/harness is good enough and i dont want the added hassle every time I take them out to glass
Totally random that i was just thinking about this last week. I had to ship my off to get some work done and realized i didn't know where the covers were. That got me thinking to if I should have some on. I haven't used any for 15yrs in my bino harness and I cant say there are any scratches or rub marks at all the the lenses. In that experience I would say you don't really need them, but I would hate to get a branch or dirt in there that did scratch. My verdict, still not sure I don't have any so will probably keep running them the way I have been
Had mine six years lost the bottom covers about 3 years ago just lost the top covers yesterday. So I ran them, figured with the investment I made I would try to take care of them. I know a lot of people don’t though
I leave mine on, mostly because I’ve just never though about taking them off. But that might change now 🤔. Normally the larger objective lens covers flip down when I take them out of my harness, so I really only have to remove the eyepiece one.
My lowers separated from hinge and I just took them both off when & removed the straps & such. Dust gets in everything in NM and I always have a brush & cloth. The Marsupial full cover is pretty solid protection.
I do personally on binos. Probably not necessary but at this point I'm not sure my optics OCD will let me take them off.
I was telling the Swaro rep at a trade show that I didn't like their new lens covers as much as the old version because they came off too easy. He was incredulous that I still used them and said the coatings were so good I didn't need them in my case.

I can't get myself to take them off though 😀
I use the objective tethered end pair until I lose one. I use the eyeball one-piece for gun table clutter. Swaro EL's live in a FHF harness....do keep a lens pen in the pack.
This may be a dumb question, but I just bought some high end rangefinding binoculars and was wondering if anyone keeps the lens covers on while inside the carrying case. I have a badlands bino case which I have kept my current leupolds in for years without any scratches or issues. I like simplicity and quickness of not having lens covers on and feel the case does a good enough job of protection. But considering the new binoculars cost about five times more than my current ones, I was curious if anyone keeps the lens covers on inside their case as added security. Thanks
I use the Swarovski covers and then into my Bino harness. I figure it’s added security and they still fit in the harness.
I don't. Besides keeping a little dust or lint off the lense I can't really see the point. As someone else pointed out, the quality and coating on these lenses is pretty damn good. I certainly am not going to abuse mine, but to use a second cover inside of a soft padded case doesn't make much sense to me.
Never. I normally leave a lense cloth covering mine.

Or as my friend calls it my "loin cloth.." Always makes me chuckle.
I use the covers in my bino pack. I have a pair of vortex viper HD 12/50’s and for the price I want as much protection as I can get. Then again I am super anal about that stuff. My scopes are treated the same way.


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