Yeti GOBOX Collection

Who uses a 16 Gauge?


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2014
Glasgow, MT
Who uses a 16 Gauge for upland birds and what model do you have?

In my pursuit of being an elitist hunter I’ve concluded I need a 16 gauge side by side.
I inherited my grandfather's Browning A5 sweet 16 when he passed. I rarely take it out of the safe it's in great condition and I'd like to keep it that way I have taken it out on a few dove hunts. It's a great shooting gun but finding ammo is a pain in the butt.
My dad left me his Ithaca double barrel 16 gauge. I’ve only shot it once 40 years ago at a couple tin cans.
I feel the 16 gauge is the epitome of upland guns. I have 2. 1 is a 1904 Ithaca double that needs to be restored and the other is an 870. Unfortunately it is one of the newer versions so it's nothing to get excited about.

For ultimate snobbery a 16 double is a must and they can be had for just about any budget
I still use my dads old Browning Auto-5 Sweet Sixteen most of the time I'm small game hunting. I've owned a lot of shotguns, including a brand new A5, and none of them stack up to me. Plus, I love people asking what the purple shells are.
I inherited a Remington Model 31 pump from my Dad, it is the shotgun I learned to shoot with. Reading this thread reminded me that I need to take it out of the closet for a hike.
I have my dad’s beautiful old 16ga 870 Wingmaster but my “meat gun” is a 16ga Stoeger Uplander SxS. I’ve always lusted for a Sweet 16 though.

I can find shells easily here in the Phoenix area, I love the smell of burnt powder from those purple Federal hulls.
I use a 16 gauge with 65mm chambers (about 2.5"). Works great. It was probably made in the late 1870s or early 1880s. Works just as well today as any new gun.

There are a ton of oldish (first half of 20th century) guns out there than can be had for relatively little money are are better made than what you can buy off the rack today for the same price, not to mention better built, balanced, and designed. Hunting FOR them is just as much fun as hunting WITH them.


It is light so it makes a good snowshoeing gun
Let's spend Schaaf's money!

16 gauge drilling with 8x57jr rifle barrel. 1936 manufactured guild gun. Right around 7 pounds. I had the chambers lengthened to 2 3/4 & opened up the chokes to IC & M.

You better get one Justin and then we can have a snobby HuntTalk double gun pheasant hunt with the crew that has ugly bird dogs...that's an Elitist Hunt if I've ever heard of one.
You better get one Justin and then we can have a snobby HuntTalk double gun pheasant hunt with the crew that has ugly bird dogs...that's an Elitist Hunt if I've ever heard of one.

Only if everyone is wearing wool trousers.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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