
Who panics and presses that little orange button the most?

My buddy that’s a resident said even if it’s a dollar they count it and won’t charge you. I never looked into it. But you guys can’t hunt wilderness anyway so may as well keep that dollar
I've always donated a little to each that and the access program just because it seems like the thing to do. Good karma and all that.
Now that we know how bad we're getting screwed as NR might have to rethink that. 😉
Points game this year for me so all they are getting is the 50 I thinking waiting patiently with my 12 points will be worth it
Somewhat related but not, my son had to be airlifted to a children's hospital when he was born. It was 28k base rate plus 22k for mileage, the hospital was 40 miles away.
How much for a non medical chopper ride?
I didn't see this posted elsewhere, but maybe I just missed it.

I really wanted to make a @MtnElk joke. But I think he's been ridiculed enough.
I remember long before InReach 2 hikers in a remote area in the Gates of the Arctic signaled a passing bush plane they were in trouble. So the bush pilot radioed the National Park Service who sent in a helicopter rescue. The hikers lost their bug dope and the emergency was mosquitoes!
Couple years ago I come rolling into one of my fav elk spots to like 20 trucks being parked there. A insta hunter had killed a bull the night before and ran her phone dead posting pics. Long story short she got lost and spent the night out there. 400 yards from her truck. You could blind fold me spin me on circles for 10 min and I could find may way out of this spot with the blindfold on. People are stupid surpised it’s not more. They also helped break and pack bull out which was pretty much all trash. I’m sure @antlerradar rembers hearing about it.
you might have to remind me. Anyone that gets lost on the Custer for more than thirty minutes should just stay home.
I didn't see this posted elsewhere, but maybe I just missed it.

I really wanted to make a @MtnElk joke. But I think he's been ridiculed enough.
Don’t know if I feel worse for the person needing rescue in the Congo or for his rescuers.
Also don’t forget to donate to the Wyoming sar when you buy your license if you donate they don’t charge when they come get your dumbass.

Y'all. Stop.

Search and rescue services (in western states, at least) are free. These services are provided almost exclusively by teams of volunteers who do not get paid -- they're just outdoorsmen and women who care about their neighbors and want to give back.

Some eastern states, where SAR is provided mainly by paid fire and EMS staff, have started issuing fines for people who require search and rescue due to their irresponsible behavior. But that is completely unheard of in the West, where SAR is provided by volunteers working under the local Sheriff (even when people are being really dumb).
Having said that, yes, please donate to your local SAR teams!

And please carry an InReach or similar. Those little things save so many lives it's crazy.
After the patellar tendon severing and Two Bear Air helicopter ride described above, my wife received a Mini Garmin for her birthday. Last August we enjoyed a backpack trek in the Bob over Headquarters Pass through Gates Park, then up Wrong Creek to North Fork of the Teton River. Wrong Creek (wrong route!), described as "seldom maintained" is NEVER maintained, and after a long day climbing over multiple layers of large blowdown trees, losing the trail, low on water, we camped off-trail on the rocky mountainside above the huge expanse of blowdown. In the morning my wife was about to push the orange button, when I said, "If that crew from Two Bear Air rescues us again, they will say 'Not you two again! Why don't you take up golf or tennis or some other less risky sport?!!"
Luckily she gave me until noon to find the trail again, which we did until we climbed up to Washboard Ridge, where the trail was invisible again. However, we found a beautiful meadow camping spot with a bubbling cold spring and spent the night off-trail again. But we could see the Teton River drainage far off north so not the near orange-button-pushing predicament of the previous day. Hiking off-trail through a bear kill site was a bit unnerving too ... but obviously we made it out ... now with intent to hike only well maintained trails! :)
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