Kenetrek Boots

Who isn't traveling for Turkey season this year?

People travel long distance to hunt turkey?? WTH for?? Like traveling to shoot a rabbit. Good lord it’s just a freakin rabbit people. It’s just a turkey!🤣
I travel long distances to hunt turkeys because the seasons open roughly a month before my season does here at home, and the turkey hunting is excellent to say the least. Turkey hunting is one of, if not my favorite things to hunt. I enjoy it more so now that my oldest son loves to go hunting with me.

I guess if you aren’t a turkey hunter than you wouldn’t want to travel much to hunt them though.
I am lucky enough to have turkeys right behind my house, but even so, I like to go about 2 hours from home and hunt the bigger woods. Unfortunately, this year the state camp grounds are closed and dispersed camping is never permitted. Therefore, I’ll just be taking the kids behind the house and across the street. We’ll get birds probably, but I’ll miss hunting our traditional big woods hunting spot.
As long as MT doesn’t close the season, I plan to travel four hours to a secluded spot where I’ve never encountered another soul, camp in my truck bed (I’ll bring the hammock if it’s nice enough), and spend four or five days by myself looking for turkeys, motels, and shed antlers.
I know it's time consuming and costs more $ to travel for a hunt and I know it's a 20-25 pound bird but it's a whole lot more than that. For me it's about tradition, hunting with family and friends you have moved away from, hunting family and friends land that you have hunted on for 20+ years, all the memories made there and the desire to make more. Where your kids shot their first turkeys. Yes I can drive a few miles down the road and hunt turkey and I'm sure have a lot of fun. I would just rather do both. As said before to each their own.
I don’t think I’ll be going to Nebraska....

even if they didn’t suspend NR license sales, my hours got slashed so I’ll likely be staying if only to save money.
I hear Ya on the $ . I am Semi retired now, it happened a month early. I am getting My social Security now and saved a bunch luckily. 2 more years I can work all I want and still collect at 66 years old . Good Luck to all that are hunting. Going to buy my New Mexico license tomm. and hope they don't shut down. when I called about 5 days ago He said they were not shutting it down....................BOB!
I would travel if it weren't for all of this. Then again I might not be so stir crazy if it weren't for all of this. But I just can't get comfortable to traveling to another state and as is well known, Texas is highly limited on its quality public lands. But I might just hunt some anyway, you know, with all of this time on my hands.
I turkey hike...I mean hunt...10 minutes from my house...
I've been passing through your town most afternoons the last two weeks (I'm not far away). Deckers looks like a mid-summer Sunday afternoon every night. My daughter stopped @ Bud's burgers for takeout recently and said they're still just as solid as always.

We were planning to hunt Ft Robinson but didn't buy tags before NE closed that down. Also had loosely planned to head to NM. That's out now as well. May get down to one of my spots by Westcliffe, but even that seems like it's suspect.

See you in the foothills, Luke :)
People travel long distance to hunt turkey?? WTH for?? Like traveling to shoot a rabbit. Good lord it’s just a freakin rabbit people. It’s just a turkey!🤣
We had decided to cancel our annual trip to Kansas when KDWPT dropped the limit from two birds to one, in an effort to reduce the taking of a drastically depleted flock. Apparently last years flooding had a severe impact on the numbers of birds. I'll be hunting from my house here in Vt. I hope to be able to travel 4 hours into NY state where I have access to a couple thousand acres of excellent turkey hunting property. At this point, I'm planning to go there the first week of May, and camp using our horse trailer with living quarters.
I’m from Central Ks I mainly hunt public land and all that flooding we had last year took out my normal deer and turkey spots there still is no vegetation there
I normally travel to Kansas every year for a private land turkey hunt on family and friends farms. Not this year with the pandemic they are requiring people from a few states to quarantine for 14 days before hunting. My state is not included but decided it's just better to stay home this year then risk any spread of the virus.
What part of KS do you hunt I live in central KS Im mainly a public land hunter but have some private I hunt
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I've been passing through your town most afternoons the last two weeks (I'm not far away). Deckers looks like a mid-summer Sunday afternoon every night.

I took a drive down to Deckers last Wednesday to wet a line. It was as busy with fishermen as the busiest holiday weekend I've ever seen, pullouts that maybe have 1-2 cars on a typical Saturday had 4-5 cars, just crazy...
I drive 3.5 hours down to NC to hunt with my dad on the family farm. Season opens on Saturday. Fingers crossed that they don’t announce restrictions between now and then.
I'll hunt in here in NC but my wife and i are still planning to go to Ohio and camp on National forest land. By camping and only having to fill up once with gas shouldn't come into contact with anyone else.
We had been planning a spring camping/turkey hunting trip April 16th-20th a few hour drive away but still in ID. Decided to cancel that and just day hunt locally. Might end up camping still, but it will be <1 hr from home.